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  1. urodude

    water changes

    I have a denitrifier. No water changes for me, sorry. I can't believe they are not more popular. People hear no water changes and it's like I'm a heretic or the devil himself.. Two tanks(one reef and one fish only), two denitrifiers and happy animals.
  2. urodude

    Water Changes

    Maintainence involves topping off the nitrogone and phophagone bottles every 2 weeks or so(usage depends on the number of cycles and feed time, determined by coral and fish load). Every 3 months or so you need to scoop out the extra accumulated biomass that forms in the reaction chamber- a bit...
  3. urodude

    Dizzy fish

    Update on dizzy fish... Still alive, eating a little, but still spins when tries to swim. Mainly staying put on the sand. Still no lesions, skin breaks, etc but seems to be losing weight. Local pet store called it dropsy and offered no reason for optimism
  4. urodude

    Water Changes

    I'll work on pcitures- Not very computer savy with the upload/download thing. The tank is in my office. No fish deaths for years-Hippo tang, purple tang, clown, foxface, a couple of gobys, all doing great. Corals are simple-leather, hammer, mushrooms, green polyps, but all doing fine The...
  5. urodude

    Water Changes

    I have a denitrifier on my 115 gallon reef tank and have not changed water for over 3 years- believe it or not-
  6. urodude

    Dizzy fish

    Thanks, I do use garlic and it does seem to get him out, trying to eat. I'll keep at it. As the tank is 4 ft deep, its tough(no, impossible) get to the bottom with a baster. Will hope for the best.
  7. urodude


    Everone else in the tank seems fine. I cycled by taking 1/2 of the bioballs out of my 115 gallon reef tank, and have a denitrifier working as well. Levels are zero. There is tons of filtration with two big Iwakis as well as a separate Magdrive 18 just for the protein skimmer/UV loop. I'm just...
  8. urodude


    I have a relatively new 360 gal fish only tank(about 6 wks).About 10 fish so far, including a 4 inch asfur angel- he's doing great I eventuallly want 3 large angels in the tank- I tried a smaller juvenile emperator but the asfur is beating the heck out of him- not sure he'll make it What should...
  9. urodude

    Dizzy fish

    Got a close look at him yesterday. Nothing to see- no spots, ulcers, etc. He is still trying to eat but basicially stays in the crevices of the reef sculpture so as to maintain balance. When he swims, he spins....Very said Other fish are fine other than a juvenile emperator whose getting...
  10. urodude

    Dizzy fish

    He is about 4". The tank is 360 gallons. 6 ft wide, 4 ft high, 2 ft deep. Not a lot of fish in it yet. Water quality is fine, all other fish fine so far(3 yellow tangs, picasso trigger, cinammon clown, asfur angel, japanese sweetlips)
  11. urodude

    Dizzy fish

    Can't do the picture. Looks like a blue head wrasse, only different coloration. Doesn't look ill other than when he swims- Can't swim straight
  12. urodude

    Dizzy fish

    Recent addition to a relatively new tank, a radiant wrasse. Was fine for several days, now spins around as if its balance/equalibrium is off. Still tries and does eat, but I don't know how long this can last. Any thoughts out there?
  13. urodude

    Tiny white critters on tank

    We get the water at tide change so its clear. I have a denitrifier on the tank, so water changes are minimal to none.
  14. urodude

    Tiny white critters on tank

    The tank has an artificial reef sculpure(fiberglass), no live rock. The tank was filled with fresh seawater(Live in south Florida) Just want to be sure they won't hurt the fish
  15. urodude

    Tiny white critters on tank

    My new 360 gallon fish only tank is up and running about 4 weeks. Fish are fine. Nitrates/nitrites/ammonia are zero. In the last 48 hours there are thousands(at least) tiny white mobile organisms crawling on the acryllic. Nothing on the fish themselves. So far people I've asked say its a...