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  1. groucheux

    candy coral help please

    my heater is set on 82, the sg is 1.021. As for parameters, I only own a cheap kit...pH, nitrates, ammonia, etc, but everything checks out perfectly with it. Like I said, it has been doing great for a week and a half or so, and then today it looks like it's missing a quarter or so.
  2. groucheux

    candy coral help please

    I've attached two pictures of my candy coral. the first was taken about 2 weeks ago...looking pretty good. Then I got home today and it looks like a chunk has been taken out?! Is this a predator or a lighting problem? I have a 55 gallon with 160 watts. I only have a clarkii, a couple of damsels...
  3. groucheux

    xenia rock!

    Hey there boys and girls... been a while since I've checked in... didn't realize how much I've missed this board! Tank is recovering nicely from heater misshap a couple of months ago(to fill you in, my heater chose the weekend I went out of town to MELT and stay on for 48 hours. Lost 20...
  4. groucheux

    How much algea is too much?

    Hello...first off thanks to Got Crabs for the link to the Algea Gallery. I have a patch of Brown Wafer Algea covering a pretty big chunk of live rock...just wondering if this is harmful. I don't mind the appearance...looks kinda cool. I also have a big cluster of bubble algea, two "trees" of...
  5. groucheux

    bubble algea and brine shrimp eggs

    Thanks for the info, Danielle. I'm going to give the 2 liter system a try.
  6. groucheux

    reef tank on a teacher's budget (long)

    Interesting replies...As for the "maintenance free" question, I agree. I checked the heck out of the levels (2 or 3 times a day) when I started the tank up. Made sure and waited until everything was perfect before adding livestock. I think some of the success came from the liverock. I don't know...
  7. groucheux

    bubble algea and brine shrimp eggs

    question #1..Is there such a thing as too much bubble algea? I've got two or three grape like clusters of the stuff, plus lots of independent bath bead sized bubbles in my tank. I think they look kinda cool...but I was wondering if they might cause any problems? question #2...I bought some brine...
  8. groucheux

    reef tank on a teacher's budget (long)

    re: lighting of the 48" hoods came with my tank, I picked the other one up at a lfs for @ $45. the little 18" came off a defunct 10 gal. As far as bulbs go, I just buy new flourescents every 3 or 4 months (around $18) When you work it out, its only about $10 a month. Not bad for...
  9. groucheux

    reef tank on a teacher's budget (long)

    I've been waiting to post this for a while now. I think that there are many people like me who have been scared away from this wonderful hobby by all the talk about fancy lights and water chemicals and super expensive corals. I just want to let any prospective reefers out there know that this...
  10. groucheux

    peppermint cleaner?

    I have a peppermint shrimp who stays pretty well hidden under an overhang most of the day and I've notice my yellow tang seems very interested in it. I was thinking that the tang was looking for a snack, but the other day I saw the tang swim up to the rock and wait as the shrimp "walked" up and...
  11. groucheux


    First off, what type of "reef" tank are you wanting. I was scared away from reef tanks for a long time by the high $ demands for lighting systems, high end protein skimmers, etc. I finally jumped into it and for what I want in my tank (LR, some inverts, some fish, an anenome, & some soft corals)...
  12. groucheux

    beginner ? on food

    Here's a silly do I feed my tank? I have 2 damsels, 1 tang, 1 clownfish, 1 condi, 1 shrimp, 1 star, and a bunch of crabs and snails (and a mushroom). I've been feeding a small pinch of flake food twice a day. I bought some frozen (formula one?) food, but am I just...
  13. groucheux

    search & rescue

    dang condi!!! Should I get rid of the condi before I get a tang (to help with my algae)?
  14. groucheux

    search & rescue

    It's been four days now since I last saw my 3rd damsel. I've given up hope on finding it alive. Here's the I go in now and pick my rocks apart to find the body, or do I let the "circle of life" take care of it? If I move the rocks, I risk accidentally crushing things...what do I...
  15. groucheux

    missing damsel please help!!

    well, now I'm missing all three of my damsels. I'm completely bummed! My anemone seems very happy though. He's found a nice crevice and is hidden down in there now, yesterday he was extended all the way out. Do I ditch the condi? Will he hurt a tang or other bigger fish? It's like Little Shop of...
  16. groucheux

    missing damsel please help!!

    I haven't seen my third yellow tailed damsel in three days now. He was the reclusive one and hid in the rocks, but I could always find him. At first I thought that maybe he died up in the rocks or something, but my water chemistry is still perfect. Can a Condi anenome eat an inch long damsel...
  17. groucheux

    what next & ? about algae

    my 55 gal has been running for about 5 weeks now. Water conditions are great. Got 5 hermits & 3 snails....finding feather dusters scattered throughout the rock now. So here's the question...what next? I'm on a school teacher's budget. Do I need to get more inverts (if so what kind?), or should I...
  18. groucheux

    confused about sand

    Finally got my 55 gal cycled. Added snails & crabs yesterday (very excited to actually have something that moves in the tank!!) The only thing on the bottom of the tank is LR rubble. I'd like to add some sand, but I have questions before I do. Do I need to add LS, or will the LR rubble "convert"...
  19. groucheux

    Star Polyps?

    I have the same thing...brown, honeycomb, looking things. How long have you had your rock? Mine has only been in the tank 1 week. I haven't seen any green things...but the honeycomb stuff seems to be spreading.
  20. groucheux

    live sand or glass bottom

    yeah...I went the "pre-cured" route from a well established online source. Not very happy with them. Newbie mistake. I did get a good price though..eases the pain a little.