Search results

  1. gksipps

    LFS has "expired" Aragalive for 50% off....

    Hubby saw CaribSea Aragalive for sale at LFS... the Black kind, it is 50% off, and they have two bags left... we are going to convert this weekend coming up from CC to LS and were going to use 2 bags black Aragalive, 2 bags fiji pink (nonexpired!) Aragalive, and the rest (10-20 lbs) LS in our 90...
  2. gksipps

    How hard is the line between FOWLR and Reef?

    Have not seen a thread on this subject in my search so here goes. We started with FO. Then moved to FOWLR. Then somehow - don't ask me, hubby decided chunk (clown) needs an anemone. I started looking into it. If we get chunk an anemone, the anemone needs a sand bed. Fine. I can do a sand...
  3. gksipps

    Porc. Puffer is wounded on eye and surrounding...

    Yes, Terry, one of the active ingredients is Neomycin - it was at the advice of lfs (never again, but don't make me go down that path, I am already very disgruntled!). I have put the carbon filters back into the tank. This morning, I will set up a HT, and from what I gather in the post, put...
  4. gksipps

    Porc. Puffer is wounded on eye and surrounding...

    I gave them neosulfex, manufactured by aquatronics, which treats a broad spectrum of "stuff". Again, it was originally for the clown's disease, the puffer had his accident the following day, but we did not add any medicine for him because lfs said don't mix any meds! I've read the Stickie - if...
  5. gksipps

    Porc. Puffer is wounded on eye and surrounding...

    Need special attention with this one y'all... My puffer is new to the tank since the 4th. Hubby came home a few days ago and found puffy wedged between the powerhead and tank glass. Hubby freed him gently, but his eye is damaged (severely) and the entire area surrounding his eye is damaged -...
  6. gksipps

    Buying a whole slew of fish at once

    Newbie question... I have not seen anyone else ask this question, and I DID do a search, so as to look less like a twit unworthy of the hobby. Do you have to go through a new cycle every time you add a new fish (like add a fish, wait six weeks, add a fish), or once your tank is cycled, do you...
  7. gksipps

    What has happened to this board?

    To answer the original question, I am new to the hobby, and after feeling like a fool for asking what seem to be naive questions time after time, I have started searching first before posting - I suppose just to seem a teensy bit less like a complete nitwit. (Not to mention we dove right in to...
  8. gksipps

    Fish emergency!!!!!

    Hubby came home today, found our new puffer (Had him since 5/4) STUCK between the powerhead and tank. Hubby shook him loose, but his eye is all cloudy, like maybe it was damaged, and the porcupines around that side of his eye/head are damaged, like they are pointing the wrong way (like a kid's...
  9. gksipps

    Feeding each fish different foods... ARGH!!

    1 tang, 1 clown, 1 little puffer that is probably slowly starving to death because he won't eat shrimp like lfs said he would... sigh... 90 gallons, no reef stuff, fish only, some petrified corals, caves built out of rocks, 20 lbs LR mostly for grazing... little by little, we'll add more/do more...
  10. gksipps

    Feeding each fish different foods... ARGH!!

    How do you manage to feed so many different fish when they all eat different foods? My tang, for instance, is SUPPOSED to eat only veggies, yet do you think he listens when I feed the clown some tasty shrimp and tell the tang "stop eating the shrimp!" Of course not. Now I have thrown my...
  11. gksipps

    Porcupine puffer is afraid of light?

    Oh, let me add that this is not a reef tank, fish only, with some live rock for grazing...
  12. gksipps

    Porcupine puffer is afraid of light?

    What do you think? My puffer seems to hide from the light all while the lights are turned on, but the minute they are turned off, he jumps out and swims all around the tank? What's up?!? Are the lights too hot? Too bright? They are only on from about 4-9 at night, longer on the weekends...
  13. gksipps

    Tylenol and Nyquil for fish?

    New to tanks... what should be on hand in the essential fish "medicine cabinet", and what are the medicines good for? (Fish only, no reef, 1 very stressed out tang currently, will have angel, clown fish, etc) Thank you!
  14. gksipps

    Tang new to tank, 1st real fish, has brown spots help!!

    Thank you Jackie... but since he's already in there, and until today, we had never even heard of a QT or HT, what do we do to make him feel better?
  15. gksipps

    Water changes at first - frequency and amount??

    How often and how much should you change the water after it is cycled? We are getting conflicting reports from many of the fish stores (and even from two differet peope working in the same store!!), which I think is the problem with our tank. Some say don't do any water changes, some say just...
  16. gksipps

    Tang new to tank, 1st real fish, has brown spots help!!

    Panic! I don't know any of this stuff - it is all new to me! We brought him home in the baggie from the store, let the baggie set in the water (closed for 15 minutes), then added some of our water to the bag, let it set another 15m, then added the fish. It is Saturday, fish water maintenance...
  17. gksipps

    Brown rash-like spots on brand new tang

    Help! Have a new tank, 90 gallons, fish only no reef. Have had the tank for 7 weeks, damsels for 6 weeks, and just added the tang yesterday as our first real fish. He did not eat anything last night, just kept to himself, then this morning he has what appears to be a brown-black rash growing...
  18. gksipps

    Tang new to tank, 1st real fish, has brown spots help!!

    Okay, after living with our damsels for 6 weeks (had tank for 7 weeks) we now have a tang that we added yesterday. It looked good last night, but didn't really eat. Today, he has brown spots along his sides, and is scratching himself on the coral. Is he just stressed from the ride home and a...