Search results

  1. ~chelle70~

    how many hours should l leave the lights on!

    You can get empty shells on ----.
  2. ~chelle70~

    How much sand

    Do I need for a 55 gal? Thanks!
  3. ~chelle70~

    equiptment question

    I have a hang on back filter. I was told by someone that I could probably get by with buying a 2nd identical filter. Which would be much cheaper than buying a whole new filter system. I have 40 lbs of sand (20 live and 20 other) But was planning on buying more. The guy that told me to change...
  4. ~chelle70~

    bakpak skimmer

    are they any good?
  5. ~chelle70~

    Custom aquarium cabinets

    Have any of you made them yourself? I am wanting to get a nice cabinet and canopy for my tank, but they are so expensive. My husband is a Mgr for Lowes, so I am hoping he or someone he knows can build my one. What are some things I need to include in this? Is there a site that has building...
  6. ~chelle70~

    Beware the Yellow Tang

    My yellow tang must be an oddball. He is the most mellow fish in my tank!!
  7. ~chelle70~

    Saltwater Magazine

    I was wondering this too. Does anyone get Aquarium Fish? Is it a good one?
  8. ~chelle70~

    equiptment question

    What equipment is needed for a 55 gal tank. I will have fish and live rock. I need to know about lighting. filtration ect. I was told that you had to have a certain wattage of lighting. Is that true? All advice is appreciated. Thanks! :happyfish
  9. ~chelle70~

    Adding live rock

    Thanks! I have to say this forum is more informative than any books I have read! You all are great!!
  10. ~chelle70~

    Adding live rock

    I have a FO tank with no live rock, I have had it up for about 3 months. I am now wanting to add live rock. How do I need to go about doing this? Do I need to take my fish out first? What is the best method in doing this? I have read books and have done some research, but am still a little...
  11. ~chelle70~

    Visi-Jet Protein Skimmers

    Have you ever heard of them? Are they any good? A friend of mine knew I was looking for a good one and she bought me one of these. Has anyone ever used this kind?
  12. ~chelle70~

    picture hosting
  13. ~chelle70~

    adding more sand

    Thanks! :D
  14. ~chelle70~

    algea eating snails

    How many should I get? I have a 55 gal. The only cleaners I have is a cleaner shrimp and 3 hermit crabs (well, 2, one is missing.) Thanks!!
  15. ~chelle70~

    adding more sand

    Thanks!! Do I just pour it in?
  16. ~chelle70~

    adding more sand

    Can you add more sand to your tanks ofter you have fish? Maybe a dumb question, but I would really like to add 10-20 more lbs to my tank. Can I do this? If yes, How? You all are going to get sick of all my questions!
  17. ~chelle70~

    Fish question

    forgot to add, she has a 50 or 55 gal tank. cant remember which.
  18. ~chelle70~

    Fish question

    I have a friend who is also just starting swa. She is wanting to know what are some good starter fish (besides damsils) She is doing a FO tank. Thanks! :jumping: :happyfish
  19. ~chelle70~

    more newbie questions

    Thank you so much! :D
  20. ~chelle70~

    more newbie questions

    What do I look for in a good skimmer?