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  1. jbadge

    Snails and blue legged hermits

    I have a canister on mine and its working just fine. How long has your tank been up and running? Has it cycled all the way thru?
  2. jbadge

    Snails and blue legged hermits

    Noticed a few empty snail shells where there used to be snails. Also noticed the blue legged hermits climing on some live snails. Do the blue legs attack the snails, or are my snails just dying and the blc's taking over their shells.....
  3. jbadge

    Brittle Starfish.

  4. jbadge

    Brittle Starfish.

    Just noticed a piece of my brittle starfish tentacle broke off...Is this common?
  5. jbadge

    blenny continued

    I understand what all of you guys are saying but......... Unless he comes out only at night this thing is nowhere to be found... It's hilarious. I took my LR out and looked underneath it and nothing. Not even a dead carcass in the sand... UNBELIEVABLE
  6. jbadge

    Still Blenny baffeled

    I just hope I didnt hurt him moving the rocks around.
  7. jbadge

    Still Blenny baffeled

    Just got my shipment from this site today. I put my Lawn mower Blenny in my tank yesterday. I saw him for a few mins.. Then haven't seen him since. I have a 55 gal. with about 45 lbs of live rock so the tank isn't enormous where he'd get lost. Would he be hiding in the rock? I don't understand.
  8. jbadge

    Lawnmower Blenny

    I hope thats what it is...I'd hate to think he didn't make it and I can't find him
  9. jbadge

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Just got my shipment from this site today. The CB shrimp wasn't moving when I acclimated him and it's been seven hours since I received it and no movement. The other thing is I put the Lawnmower Blenny in the tank, went to the store and haven't seen him since. I even moved the Live rock...
  10. jbadge

    UV sterilizer

    I put a Jebo 9w UV sterilizer on my 55 gal. I was told this helps to prevent ICH and other parasites. I was also told it helps to keep the algea problem to a minimum. It seems the algea has grown more since adding the UV. Any suggestions?
  11. jbadge

    sand sifting goby...

    Anyone know what the goby that sifts sand through his gills is called?
  12. jbadge

    Coral banded and Cleaner

    very helpful
  13. jbadge

    Coral banded and Cleaner

    Can 1 of each live in harmony?
  14. jbadge

    Tried the hypo thing.

    treated in a QT. then noticed all my fish got it. Treated the main tank and fish started dying one by one. Now they are all dead and dont know what to do...sorry i still have a coral beauty in the tank, star fish and inverts this sucks.
  15. jbadge

    Tried the hypo thing.

    Now my tank is riddled with Brown algea.....I'm down to two fish. ICH has claimed them all.....what should I do?....
  16. jbadge


    Is it bad for my inverts....was going to try it to kill the ich in my tank.
  17. jbadge


    why do you say that.? can these fish not live in harmony? Or is it just too early to add the fish I want?
  18. jbadge


    Need help here. My tank is about a month old. I have two clowns, two dominoes damsels, 1 coral beauty. I had a powder blue surgeon, and a LN butterfly. Found the PBS and LNB dead this A.M. They both had ich which I have been treating in the main tank. The ich had cleared up. Could they...
  19. jbadge

    Worm in the rock

    So no need to worry?
  20. jbadge

    Worm in the rock

    I was moving some rock around in my tank to add some new rock when I noticed a worm approx. 1 1/2 inches long and had what looked like many appendages....Couldn't catch him to get him out...Should I be concerned?