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  1. truck0000


    Im trying to find a Halliburton recruiter. I would like to go over to the big sand box and work. Just trying to use all of my resource for the Job hunt. Hope no one minds. Thanks, Robert Email it to me
  2. truck0000

    Coral Beauty

    My daughter bought me a coral beauty for my 55 gallon tank. I was wondering if i need anything speacial for it. Tank set up: 6 months old 45 lbs LR CC 3 inch CPR skimmer penguin HOB Sio 820 power head Jebo 2x55wpc 2x55w actinic=220 total watts FISH: Percula clown Lawn mower blenny 2 yellow...
  3. truck0000

    Coralife pro

    I thinking about light change my self. I would appreciate it if you couldEmail me with the site you bought yours from so i can check it out. This lighting thing has been bugging me also. I was going to by the coral life clip on witha 150w 20k bulb but i think i need to go...
  4. truck0000

    Nitrate Problem !! Help Quick Please

    I bought a product called Phos-X to help keep the nitrates out of my tank
  5. truck0000

    Lighting Question

    I have a problem with my tank lighting. I have read lots of articles on this forumn about diff lights and have to to think that i need to add more. I have a 55 gallon reg. tank. I currently am running a Jebo 220 W system (2*55W 10K and 2*55W Blue). Im not sure if this is the acitic bulb or...
  6. truck0000

    CPR Bak pak question

    I have the rio 600 pump on it. When ever I open up the air valve, micro bubbles shoot out of the side of the pump. I still get bubbles in the collection container and I do have to dump it once a week with some pretty nasty stuff in it. My Problem is that I am tired of all the micro bubbles...
  7. truck0000

    Dory's early Sat am pics

    Nice tank. What kind of clip on light is that MH? looks like exactly what i have been looking for. Could you tell me brand and model? Thank you
  8. truck0000

    Bak Pak skimmer

    I need to replace the Rio pump on my skimmer and would like to get a better type. Do any of you have a suggestion for the replacement?
  9. truck0000

    Sick Naso (blonde) Tang

    Thanks for the advice guys but he died last night. That was an expensive lesson to learn. I guess we all have them
  10. truck0000

    Sick Naso (blonde) Tang

    well after reading some other post about tangs, I think I have starved him and didnt know it. I went to the LFS and got a seawed sheets and some zoecon. Is there anything i can do to get him to start eating. Ph-7.8 salt-1.024 amonia-0 trates-15 trites-0 saddleback clown w/ seabea 2 yellow...
  11. truck0000

    Sick Naso (blonde) Tang

    Woke up this morning and my blonde naso tang was laying on his side. Check water and everything was ok. Went to LFS and hade them check water and every thing was the same. Got this fish 5 days ago from he was accalamated the rightway and has been doing fine. LFS said i should dip...
  12. truck0000

    bakpak skimmer

    I have a question about this. I just figured out how the damn thing works (after 6 months and a major algea problem) the other day after reading the threads. What is the proper bubble amount and how should i adjust the rubber gasket on the trap? Any advice woudl be helpful. Thanks