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  1. rocksalt

    Mushroom Death part II

    Yes, I know everything shrivels up w/o light. To make this short for newcomers on this post: Tank environment good: Salinity, PH, Temp, etc. Has been consistent for over a year. Leather tree coral was migrating off its rock next to the Green Rhodactis. Literally one day it was fine. Approx...
  2. rocksalt

    Mushroom Death part II

    the culprit, we think. The original message string is here if you want to know what led us to this point.
  3. rocksalt

    Mushroom Death part II

    My LH posted 'Mushroom Death' originally. This is a followup question. If the mushroom is dead, how will I know? I was told if it was 'melting' it was dead. They all look like they are melting when the light is turned off or if they are pissed (usually if they are brushed by a fish or moved)...
  4. rocksalt

    Mushroom Death

    I found out what my 'Carpet' mushroom really is. the victim of this horrible act is our Green Rhodactis. the suspected cuplrit is a Leather Tree coral. If in fact it was stung by the Leather, what can I expect for a recoup time? What should I see if it does die? The sick tank water is good. The...
  5. rocksalt

    Mushroom Death

    How long should we keep it in the sick tank? Also, the lighting is different. It's a florescent as opposed to the power compacts in our main reef tank. Will that make a difference?
  6. rocksalt

    Mushroom Death

    Hi all, as my LW stated the only real change in our environment was the salt. All other variables are the same. Salinity, PH, temp, etc. has not changed in a year. Everything else is flourishing. Just that one carpet mushroom. One day it's fine and literally the next it looked dead. The Leather...