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  1. binhzino

    911 Clownfish!

    Originally posted by Tizzo Your inverts are fine and your clown looks stressed?? 2 questions... How long did you have the clown, and what is he doing (or not doing) that has you worried? Laying on the very bottom squirming in the rocks. Had it for 2 months
  2. binhzino

    911 Clownfish!

    Damn it, my clownfish is dying and I dont have a hospital tank. Well I tested the water: SG: 1.023 Sal: 31 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 pH: 7.8-8.0 Temp: 80 degrees I dont know whats wrong, only changes I did in the morning was take out the other half of my liverock and scrubbed the algae...
  3. binhzino

    Hey anyone who's awake??!

    Can orange linkias and flame scallops live in Live Rock only tanks....?? Also what is a good clean up crew to clean algae off a 30 gallon tank... and what can clean crushed coral???
  4. binhzino


    Can orange linkias and flame scallops live in Live Rock only tanks....??
  5. binhzino

    Hey Binhzino

    the algae is still pale. i am fixing to take out the rocks and scrub them again once guests leave. i got a sally lightfoot crab to help me fight em off. i think my dwarf lionfish ate up my emerald crab.
  6. binhzino


    yeah like half of many algae bubbles on them i didnt have time to scrub them all...
  7. binhzino


    to this....after putting in PHOS-BUSTER Notice how its all pale looking...good or bad sign??
  8. binhzino


    My algae went from this...
  9. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    what do you think WHO DEY?
  10. binhzino

    Cleaner Shrimp Sick?

    My shrimp's antennas are all curly after I did a water change...whats wrong with it
  11. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    My algae went this a good sign or does it not matter?
  12. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    to this...
  13. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

  14. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    my algae went from this...
  15. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    Originally posted by WHO DEY hey zino! me again i'm betting you will do whatever it takes to solve this problem. if i were you i would go to the lfs and buy a penguin biowheel 330 for 45 bucks or a smaller one if you don't want to spend the money. the 330 has 2 media baskets where you can...
  16. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    I put in some Phos-Buster to eliminate the phosphate in the tank, now the algae hair is looking mucus-y and pale. Is this a good sign?
  17. binhzino

    Algae/Cleaner Shrimp Question

    Yesterday, I put in some phos-buster to eliminate the phosphate in my tank to get rid of the algae and I also did a water change with RO/Salt Water. Now my algae hair is looking really pale. Is this a good sign? Also, my cleaner shrimp's antennas are all curly and shriveled up. What is wrong...
  18. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    Originally posted by TeresaQ buy a Hang on back filter, and put your phos-ban in both sides. (make sure its in a bag, and leave it itn the bag) I also add fiber fill to my hob filter to help filter out water, and also run carbon in the hob. Dont use sos pads, they have soap in them. use a stiff...
  19. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

  20. binhzino

    Look At My Algae Problem

    Originally posted by Serg141 What are your water readings? especially the phosphates and Nitrates. Actually all of them would helps us understand what might be going on. Salinity: 30 Specific Gravity: 1.022 pH: 7.8 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 how do i check phosphate levels?