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  1. deer99

    cleaning tank

    can any one tell me the best way to clean a tank. just got a 55g from a friend. the tank was used for salt water fowlr. i would like to use the tank for sump/fuge.
  2. deer99

    120g Complete Reef in Northern VA

    on the mag12 how much would shipping be to 01852
  3. deer99

    120g Complete Reef in Northern VA

    can you tell me if you still have the mag 12 and how much you looking to get.
  4. deer99

    can you tell me what this is

    Hi Beth Thats ok by me if it helps people out thats fine.
  5. deer99

    can you tell me what this is

    Hi Sorry did not get back to you out of town. i am not using tap water i have a ro/di. tested water for nitrate and phosphate nitrate tested 0ppm and PO test .05 if that makes any scents using red sea test for PO very hard to test with. Beth thanks for the link sum good info .
  6. deer99

    can you tell me what this is

    can any one tell me what this is. I think it is sum kind of algaes. how do i get rid of it any help.
  7. deer99

    Good MH lights.

    i just got the Hamilton 2x250 2x96 pc. :D mh that sits on the top of the tank. i love this light.
  8. deer99

    MoVING everything must go 2 and 1/2 tanks and EVERYTHING YOU NEED!

    interested in the chiller let me know
  9. deer99

    lighting info

    thanks RobChuck
  10. deer99

    lighting info

    thanks for the info. do you know any thing about the protostar light. :D
  11. deer99

    lighting info

    been looking at these two different light one is the protostar 2x250 hqi with 2 110w vho. next light is the hamiton 2x250 hqi with 2x96 pc. whats better vho or pc. can any one give me sum info on the lights. the price is just about the same.
  12. deer99

    help with lighting

    so if i keep one of he pc lights that is 260w and add one 2x250 +2x96 that will give me a total of 952w so that should do it if i add it up right.
  13. deer99

    sum new pic

    let me know what you think
  14. deer99

    sum new pic

    the tank has been set up for 6 month. 100lbs lr 75 lbs l sand sum pods
  15. deer99

    help with lighting

    I have in the tank sum mushrooms brains polyps. like to keep sps clams. looking to get the right light on the tank. just don't wont to be limited to just low light stuff. sorry for the miss undersatnding.
  16. deer99

    help with lighting

    no one can help with this. just looking to bye the right light for my tank.
  17. deer99

    sum new pic

    new pic
  18. deer99

    help with lighting

    can any one give me any info on this light. PROTOSTAR 250 WATT 10,000K HQI & 2 110 WATT VHO. been looking on the net and found this light
  19. deer99

    help with lighting

    can any one tell me were to get the best deel on Mh lights. I have a 120g tank that is 24in tall. i am look at 175w or 250w what is the best to go with i have 2x260w pc on my tank know i would like tp keep one pc on the tank. and go with 175 or 250 looking for the best price. :happy:
  20. deer99

    Is this sand ok?

    I just pick up a bag of the play sand at walmart. and did the vinegar test and got a lot of fizz. so this must be the right stuff you are all talking about. can you put it in the tank with live sand and this is a dum question do you have to clean it before puting it the tank. Thanks :jumping: