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  1. jcs69

    Stars & Stripes Puffer

    I woke up this morning and when I approached my tank I noticed(for the first time) that my puffer was inflated?? It just concerns me due to the fact that usually he's sleeping on his LR when I get up in the morning?? As soon as I approached the tank, he seen me and deflated and laid back down...
  2. jcs69

    My Puffer

    I'm new into the hobby and my first fish was a stars and stripes puffer, the first day I acclimated him and he instantly started eating off my live rock and swimming vigoursly. He instantly ate and seemed healthy right away. Hoe long has your tank been up???
  3. jcs69


    It's pretty small and does have brstles, I think its a bristleworm, are they ok to have?? I only have seen one??
  4. jcs69


    Just set up my tank a month ago, ran my cycle completely and added my first fish. I have LS and 30 Lb of LR. I was fish watching and noticed a little red worm on my LS???? Is this bad???? What is it???:notsure:
  5. jcs69

    Stars & Stripes Puffer

    I just added my first fish into my new SW tank.. My first choice was the stars/stripes puffer. He has already become pretty personable and will even eat out of my hand. Anyone else with a S/S puffer, anyone with any comments or suggestions..??
  6. jcs69

    Water Question??

    Is it possible to add 2 much water purifier to your water. I topped off my water to replace the water that had evaporated and was concerned that i added 2 much of the AquaClear. Would this effect my fish?? I have a new stars and stripes puffer, he has been in my tank for about 4 days and is...
  7. jcs69

    Diatoms=Cleanup Crew

    I've gotten my first bloom of diatoms and I'm in my third week of my N2 cycle. My ammonia spiked and is dropping, my nitrites are up and dropping, and my nitrates are at 15. Should I add a cleanup crew since I've got diatoms. I've heard once you have diatoms it is a good point to add a clean...
  8. jcs69

    Any Idea??

    I'm figuring about another week!! I'm considering a Dogface puffer for my first addition?? Good Idea or No.:happyfish
  9. jcs69

    3 Weeks in!!!

    The live sand along with the LR and the Damsel may have kick started the cycle. Once my nitrates drop under 20 then do a water change and I should be ready to trade in that damsel for a nice fish??:happyfish
  10. jcs69

    Any Idea??

    I've had my tank up and running for 3 weeks now and have had my ammonia rise and fall, my nitrites increased and now I'm showning nitrates, my temp is 78" and my salinity isn 1.024. How long until I'm ready for my first fish?? Right now I have LR(20lbs), LS and a domino damsel(which I will...
  11. jcs69

    3 Weeks in!!!

    The rock was cured!!
  12. jcs69

    3 Weeks in!!!

    I'm about 3 weeks into my first N2 cycle and have encountered no problems so far. I've used LS, 20lbs of LR and a Domino Damsel to kick start my cycle. My ammonia did a low spike and has dropped, my nitrites are up and I show about 15 nitrates. Is this possible in only 3 weeks??? My tank is...
  13. jcs69

    Brown Spots in LS??

    I'm in my second week of my cycle and I am starting to get brown spots in my LS in front of one of my LR. Is this diatoms? Is is it Ok, and waht does this affect??:confused:
  14. jcs69


    Just started mt tank and I am really interested in adding some coral to my tank in the future. I'm just in the middle of my N2 cycle so I know thats far off! Is it tough to have and keep coral?? What does it require?? Would appreciate any advice.
  15. jcs69

    Brown Spots in LS??

    Thanks for the info..
  16. jcs69

    New Tank

    I have 1 damsel, is that not good?? My cycle is running good, my ammonia is rising, my pH is good, my saltwater level is good........
  17. jcs69

    New Tank

    I just started a 40 gl tank with LR & LS. I've added about 16lb of LR and would like to add more, somewhere around 40 lb. I just started my cycle and am anxious to get started. Any suggestions for a new user??