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  1. autotech

    auto topoff

    i was wondering if anyone had any ideas or plans on how to build a auto topoff system im going on vacation for a week and wont be home to add any water due to evaparation thanks for any help
  2. autotech


    i have a lawnmower blenny and would like to ad a whatchman goby is this a bad idea ?would they fight ? they would live in a 55 gal. tank
  3. autotech

    hermit crabs

    thanks for info i guess you cant beat free food
  4. autotech

    hermit crabs

    do hermit crabs reproduce ive noticed twice now small fry almost look like shimp about a 1/8 inch long swimming at the surface tanks new only been up since christmas they dont last long think filter gets them any ideas sorry no pics
  5. autotech

    cloudy water

    yes i use carbon and ro water i do 10% water changes every 2 weeks
  6. autotech

    cloudy water

    55 gal. tank 10 gal. wetdry 317 gph sump pump one aquaclear 70 powerhead with a quick filter 60# liverock 60# livesand 272 watts 50/50 bulbs amonia 0 nitrate 0 ph 8.2 nitrite .1 specific gravity 1.025-1.026 tanks been running since xmas cleaner crew sixline wrasse 3 percula clowns assorted...
  7. autotech

    water flow

    i just moved my 30 gal to a 55 gal i have a wetdry 10gal sump and didnt know what would be the recomended amount of water flow or circlation i need .power heads or other filter?my sump pump flows at 300gph at 4ft.
  8. autotech


    55 gal. with 192 watts of light is that enoughand can you mix different species in the same tank