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  1. autotech


    i had the same thing happen to me my other soft and lps doing great and bought a bubble it died in three months
  2. autotech

    angels in a 180

    whats a good rule on how to figure out how many fish to have in a tank with out over crowding or cause to much bioload
  3. autotech

    angels in a 180

    can you put more than one angel in a large tank i am in the process of building my 180 tank and dont wont any problems would like to have a variety of fish including tangs ,angels, puffer,lion fish maybe a eel trying to get as much info and other peoples ideas and experience with folr tanks
  4. autotech

    near disaster

    i made a bad move thought it would be smart to remove my center brace on 55 gal. to get more light to my leather well that wasnt smart live and learn good news since the tank replacment
  5. autotech

    help please

    i think i just really screwd up i have a 55 gal. tank up and running i thought it would be a good idea to remove the center brace so it wouldnt block some of light from my canopy and now the tank is bowing out any advise would be great
  6. autotech

    sundial snail

    will do thanks just read a post about
  7. autotech

    sundial snail

    i found a sundial sail in my tank it was snacking on some polyps it was 1/8 inch in size whats the best way to get rid of these
  8. autotech

    yellow tang adition

    get a fox face nice yellow color
  9. autotech

    refuge lights

    whats the best time schedule or run the lights 24/7 ?
  10. autotech

    Live Rock Problem

    how often do you do water changes you might have a diatom problem do you use rodi water or tap water
  11. autotech

    clam care ?

    i have a 55gal. 20 gal. sump 272 watts of 50/50 mix lights 60# live rock 60# live sand could a clam be happy in my tank ?
  12. autotech

    xenia problem

    i have 3 types of xenia pulsed for a couple of days now some look shriveld up one split but doesent pulse my water test fine 272 watts pc lighting i have several leathers ,sps,shrooms and pulps of differnt types all doing great fish healthy and happy started using kent marine tech 1 iodine...
  13. autotech

    Innovative Coraline Removal

    go to a auto parts store you con plastic razor blades or a plastic bodo spreading tool
  14. autotech

    55 pics

    192 watts pc 80 watts floresent 5550 mix
  15. autotech

    55 pics

    here my tank didnt know how to resize pics now i do
  16. autotech

    55 gal. pics

    sorry pics to big
  17. autotech

    55 gal. pics

    heres my tank its getting slowly but surely what do you think
  18. autotech

    Apistasia Help, Please

    3 cleaned my 55 peprmints are the easy way
  19. autotech

    xenia ?

    thanks for the info they look healthy just not pulsing
  20. autotech

    xenia ?

    pulsating xenia not pulsating should i add iodine only been in tank 8 days