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  1. firstborn

    What Corals Work With Bi-Color and Coral Beauty Angel?

    What Corals Work With Bi-Color and Coral Beauty Angel? Any suggestions on corals to avoid? I am thinking Leathers would be safe. Any other suggestions?
  2. firstborn

    How Long Will Corals Live In Low Light?

    Could you provide an average range? 6 months on the low end? 1 year on the high end?
  3. firstborn

    How Long Will Corals Live In Low Light?

    How long would a typical coral andor anenome live under standard florescent lighting?
  4. firstborn

    Tattered Fins On Fish

    I noticed that a couple of my fishs back fins are a little tattered andor split. If this normal from minor nipping and rubbing against rocks? Will the fins heal over time?
  5. firstborn


    I have a flame angel, coral beauty, and bi-color angel together in an 80 gallon FOWLR system. They do great together, and exist peacefully. Make sure you drip acclimate them and add them together.
  6. firstborn

    Marine Fish Career

    If you want to make money, it is best to have your own "Marine Consulting" Business. A friend of mine has a B.S. in Marine Biology. He owns a marine store, but his real source of income is designing large saltwater systems for wealthy customers. For example, he just finished installing a...
  7. firstborn

    Strange Growth On Top Of Orange Linkia Sea Star

    Originally Posted by ophiura I would like to see a picture. I will say, it does not sound good. How long have you had it? What are the water parameters? I have had it about a month. The growth is gone, but there are now darker spots covering the Linkia? It is still moving around and is not...
  8. firstborn

    Salinty Vs. Specific Gravity During Hyposalinity

    Thanks Folks. As a point of reference, the Oklahoma Aquarium quarantines all new fish at 1.008 & 11ppt for 30-45 days. They claim they have seen greater results with Ick at this salinity. "At the Oklahoma Aquarium, the use of hyposalinity has...
  9. firstborn

    Salinty Vs. Specific Gravity During Hyposalinity

    My last water change ended up bringing it down to 1.008 & 11ppt. The fish have been in this state for about 12 hours, and show no sign of stress. They are swimming and eating normally. The Ick is having a [hr] attack, and knows the hour of its doom is near. Most of the spots are already gone...
  10. firstborn

    Salinty Vs. Specific Gravity During Hyposalinity

    I am in the final stages of lowering my salinity for Hyposalinity. I am using a refractometer with ATC that has been calibrated using distilled water. The refractometer reads 14ppt, but the specific gravity is around 1.010. If I want to get the specific gravity down to 1.009, the salinity is...
  11. firstborn

    Has Anyone Ever Kept A Fuzzy Dwarf Lion With A Cleaner Shrimp Successfully?

    Has Anyone Ever Kept A Fuzzy Dwarf Lion With A Cleaner Shrimp Successfully?
  12. firstborn

    Strange Growth On Top Of Orange Linkia Sea Star

    I have my Orange Linkia in a quarantine tank right now. I am treating my DT with Hypo for Ich. I noticed a green "thing" coming out of the top of a small hole. Is this the Linkia passing waste? If not, does anyone have any idea what it may be? Thanks
  13. firstborn

    LARGE setup for sale.. Unfortunatly

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 well folks, its not going to be easy but i have to part with my largest tank since i will be relocating very very soon ( Florida peeple here i come!) and it would be WAY to hard to move it over 16 hours away NO i am in NO WAY getting out of the hobby , still have...
  14. firstborn

    QT tank question

    Can someone please answer this part of my question: "If you do this, do you have to wait any time before you put fish in the QT?"
  15. firstborn

    Question About Salinity Level During Hyposalinity

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Actually the bacteria will be fine in LS, any microrganisms would die though. I had a woman recently pull all of the rock out of 180 system and she did not have a spike. There will be enough bacteria in the sand and filtration. I do not use live sand, I have...
  16. firstborn

    Question About Salinity Level During Hyposalinity

    One other question I had: If I remove my liverock from the DT to rubbermaids, and than Hypo the DT with my fish in it, is their a risk of Ammonia spikes? What impact is removing the live rock during the hypo period going to have on water quality? I am running carbon. Thanks
  17. firstborn

    Question About Salinity Level During Hyposalinity

    I am thinking of treating my FOWLR system with Hyposalinity for Ich. I am going to remove my liverock and inverts first. A few questions I have, that I did not see covered in Beths FAQ: 1 - How low can the Salinity go? I have heard of some Hypo attempts failing at .009. Can you safely go to .008...
  18. firstborn

    Rally + Kick Ich - NUKED MY MANDARIN

    No, I am certain it was the medicine that nuked him. Absolutely no doubt in my mind. He litterly looked like he was nuked, and was perfectly healthy a couple of hours before. I followed the directions on the bottle. So if the directions are wrong, I guess I used to much.
  19. firstborn

    Rally + Kick Ich - NUKED MY MANDARIN

    I am treating my tank for Ich, and tried a dual combination Rally + Kick Ich. I have a FOWLR system. Both medications are labeled reef and invert safe. I followed the directions on the bottles to the letter. When I woke up this morning, my Mandarin was white all over and it looked like a lot of...