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  1. 2cold2fish

    My prob with Noobs

    Originally Posted by jonthefishguy I personally cant stand the individual that asks a question about lets say wet/dry filter and then bumps it when no one answers. They sit there waiting and waiting and then huff and puff, say things like "oh great another clickish forum" when all the have to...
  2. 2cold2fish

    Replacing HQI Bulbs

    This is my struggle, why not by the $9.99 bulbs and replace them every 6 months or even every 3 months? thats still only 40 about bucks a year.
  3. 2cold2fish

    Replacing HQI Bulbs

    Were th 15k xm's expensive? I currently have coralife 14k's. This set is about a year old. This may be not right, but I can see a decline in the lighting intensity?or maybe color? after about 8 months or so. Could it be my imagination?
  4. 2cold2fish

    Replacing HQI Bulbs

    Thanks JR. Its sound advice, and advice I should and probably will follow, but I am hoping that someone has technically researched the differences in the bulbs for things like: Color, Lux, Par, performance, life.
  5. 2cold2fish

    Replacing HQI Bulbs

    I want to replace my current bulbs, I have searched a bunch of sites and posts. I see bulbs ranging from $9.99 to $80.00 or more. It's kinda confusing and would love to replace bulbs for $9.99 but I am am leary. Any advice?
  6. 2cold2fish

    need some cheering up!

    Thats tough to take. I'd give you my pita dog, but my daughters love him. Sympathies from Aliquippa, pa
  7. 2cold2fish

    red hair algae in fuge?

    Yes I have pretty good flow through the macro. The stuff came with the macro, doesnt look like cyano, looks like pink cotton balls. Maybe I should just ditch the macro and get new?
  8. 2cold2fish

    red hair algae in fuge?

    no advice?
  9. 2cold2fish

    red hair algae in fuge?

    I recently installed a refugium (3 weeks ago). I got some Chaeto and caulerpa from the local LFS and the caulerpa now seems to have balls of red hair algae mixed in looks like puffs of red cotton candy. good? bad? advise? 2cold
  10. 2cold2fish

    cleaner crew

    sounds good thank you
  11. 2cold2fish

    cleaner crew

    Hi, I just recieved a new clean up crew for my tank, Can someone advise me where to put cleaner clams in fuge, or tank? Do you put any cleanup crew in the refugium? My fuge has only been set up for 3 weeks. thx2cold
  12. 2cold2fish


    Hello all, nice forum. I read all the time but have yet to post. I would like some help in a few areas. set up: I have a 125 reef with 3 150 mh hqi lights, plenty of rock a small fuge off the sump (just installed 3 wks ago). 6 fish and soft corals. I am slowly making the jump to lps and sps. My...