Search results

  1. spyderreef

    a fish for large setup, Mpls/St Paul area

    I have a Vlemegi Tang that I would like to sell. It's a great fish but too big for me. It is about 6-7" long. I also have a nice flame angel. If you live in the Mpls/St Paul area e-mail me if you are interested.
  2. spyderreef

    new 120 gallon for Christmas

    I don't know the answer to your question. I just received the exact tank from friends of ours that are moving. How big of a sump and what kind of skimmer are you planning to use? I'm also trying to figure out the lighting. I want to buy a couple MH but not sure what to go with. I have (2)...
  3. spyderreef

    Have you ever been stung?

    My arm still has large red bumps on it. It does not itch but it looks bad. I was stung when my wrist touched the hammer when I was moving things around and it was fully open. I most likely was touching it and did not realize it and stayed there too long. I didn't feel a sting just a burning...
  4. spyderreef

    best pic I could get of whatever this is

    I have a vermetid snail on my clam. I didn't know what it was until someone on the board was able to ID it with a pic. They are interesting to watch.
  5. spyderreef

    Mystery Snail

    I had my astrea snails reproduce in my tank. Had my fish guy come and ID them. He did not believe me. By the time I saw them they were the size of my little fingernail. Keep watching them. Mine grew quickly so you will know soon enough if that is what you have.
  6. spyderreef

    Connecting an RO unit?

    I think that the blue tube should be the fresh water coming in, the line with the tape (it was orange) is the waste and the last one, on top of the white, should be the RO water?
  7. spyderreef

    Connecting an RO unit?

    I tried to post this question on the equipment board but not as many people look there. I have my friends old RO unit and I want to hook it up. I have no instructions. Can anyone help me figure this out? It is a Kent Marine. I have two lines coming out of the end of the white canister that...
  8. spyderreef

    How to install an RO unit

    I bought a Kent Marine RO unit from a friend of ours. The hoses were all disconnected with no instructions. Are they all pretty much the same? It has the white canister on top and two clear down below. On the white canister, is one waste and the other RO water? Does the fresh water coming...
  9. spyderreef

    Have you ever been stung?

    Have you every been stung by coral. I was moving things in my tank and I think my arm touched my hammer coral. Today it is all red and tender to the touch. It feels like a burn.:eek:
  10. spyderreef

    Needed carbon, bought hagen fluval 304

    I'd love to see pics of your tank. Ask Ryebread he's the camera expert.
  11. spyderreef

    leather umbrella

    I can relate to what you are saying. Mine has been about 4 weeks. Posted on this board and they said it will be fine. Mine did the exact same thing, a layer green algae. It is starting to come out of it. How is your water? My alk. was a little high. That may or may not have anything to do...
  12. spyderreef

    Tree sponge

    Have you ever heard of sponges giving off toxins?
  13. spyderreef

    Tree sponge

    My starter was on a small cement disc. I placed it on a rock, touching the glass. It took off from there.
  14. spyderreef

    What kind of fish is this?

    Are they a very expensive fish? It was in someone elses reef that I brought home from Chicago. All the other fish are significantly smaller. I did not want to put him in my 125 until I knew what it was.
  15. spyderreef

    What kind of fish is this?

    What is this fish and what is it compatible with?
  16. spyderreef

    Tree sponge

    Yeah, it grows like a weed in my tank. I like it on my glass, I wanted it to grow there.
  17. spyderreef

    Tree sponge

    He will be very happy to hear that. I tried to be careful when I put them in the tank. Any idea on how long it would take for them to show signs that they were exposed too long?
  18. spyderreef

    Tree sponge

    No white spots, yet. He had a few more pieces but they are not this nice. Will they come back if they start to look bad? Can you cut the bad parts off?
  19. spyderreef

    Tree sponge

    Here is a pic of my new sponges. They look good now but I am afraid they won't make it. SO and friend went against my advise and removed from tank and did not put them in a bag of water first, so they were exposed to the air. Maybe next time they will listen to me and this board.
  20. spyderreef

    What kind of fish is this?

    Any one know the name of this fish?