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  1. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    What he might be referring to is the Black Sun Coral. I have seen pictures of a few, but for the most part, all the work is for the bright vibrant color, so why would you want a black one? This site sells black ones, but once again, I'm not doing all that work for something that doesn't "pop".
  2. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    Jcarroll - I'm not an expert by any means. Remember I have only been doing this two months. But I would guess my lack of any algae build-up is my huge clean up crew. Remember I have/started with 100 hermit crabs and 16 turbo snails. They were in there well before any algae had a chance to...
  3. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    Every other day I use the cup method. I took a six inch tupperware bowl and cut three small holes in the top. I put that on top of the sun coral and a rock on top of it. Using a turkey baster, I put about 1/4 squirt of cyclopeeze in one of the holes and wait about 15 minutes for him to come...
  4. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    In regards to your tank, I run 1/2lb bag of granulated carbon in my sump. I don't remember the name brand but it's the good stuff. It's changed faithfully, once a month. I think my water "clarity" can be attributed to that. Also, the Euro-Reef is amazing. With your Alk, are you dosing at...
  5. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    I started with 100% fully cured LR. The rock had been "brewing" for about 6 weeks in a 150 gallon rubber-maid tub before it went into my tank. It went from one "tank" to the new one in a span of about 30 minutes. I had virutally no die off. I started with 250 pounds of live sand. Of that, I...
  6. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    Thanks for the responses. LOL about the sand bed. It measures about 7' inches on one side of the levee and 4 on the other side. It's a nice casual grade between the two levels. I used crushed shells and about 20 pounds of LR buried beneath the sand to reinforce it. I tried to buy the right...
  7. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    The Sun Coral.
  8. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    The last is my favorite coral. It's a purple polyped encrusting Montopora sp. (At least that's what I was told it was.) The blurry picture doesn't do it justice.
  9. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

  10. dutch06

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    Here's my new 120 after 3 days and after 2 months. Let me know what you all think. A few details...48x24x24, 120 gallons. Euro-Reef RS-180 skimmer, 48" Aqualight Pro 2x150w HQI/2x96w PC/3x1w lunar lights, 40g Reef Ready Sump, Mag 12 drive, 160lbs of live rock, 250lbs of live sand.
  11. dutch06


    I have a porites rock that my X-mas tree worms live in. It's not very interesting. The rock that is, the worms are cool as can be. Here's what another site says about them. The Porites Coral can live in a variety of lighting conditions, ranging from power compacts, VHO, T-5's up to the more...
  12. dutch06

    The look you get when you tell your friends how much your new rock cost!!!

    At one time, I had $5k in mine and didn't even own a fish. Just some "sticks on rocks".
  13. dutch06

    Brain Problems

    I'm pretty sure it's dying. I had one do the same thing. The brain is not opening up the way it should. Also it looks very bleached. Mine had that same tint of green. Almost iradesent (sp?). I got one of those dark spots. About two weeks later another one appeared and it got whiter; about...
  14. dutch06

    How did I miss this guy?

    I had seen some smaller ones in my tank, and I knew what it was, so I wasn't really worried. But when it started coming out of the rock, and coming, and coming, I was like, WOW, how big is that thing. It had roughly 5" outside of the rock, I don't know big it is, but surely it can't be much...
  15. dutch06

    How did I miss this guy?

    My tank has been set up for almost a month. I was feeding the crabs tonight, and look what came out of the rock. I can't believe I haven't seen him before now!!!!
  16. dutch06

    New Tank Pictures - Test

    Thanks lion. It's a work in progress.
  17. dutch06

    New Tank Pictures - Test

    Two more shots.
  18. dutch06

    New Tank Pictures - Test

    More pics. Still working on this picture thing.
  19. dutch06

    New Tank Pictures - Test

    Here's my new 120 after 3 days and after 3 weeks. I'm really just posting this to see if I have figured out the trick to posting pictures. A few details...48x24x24, 120 gallons. Euro-Reef RS-180 skimmer, 48" Aqualight Pro 2x150w HQI/2x96w PC/3x1w lunar lights, 40g Reef Ready Sump, Mag 12...
  20. dutch06

    Open Brain Hitchhiker

    Scratch that. Answered my own question. But mine was 1/1,000,000,000 of the size of the one in the hitchhiker thread.