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  1. sdascher

    Question about Kalk/Aiptasia

    When using the kalk paste - how long should you leave the paste on before the aiptasia dies??? I removed all of the rock out of the main tank in the process of changing over to a sand bed - but also now is a great time to work on the aiptasia problem!! I have been taking one to two rocks at a...
  2. sdascher

    Why do snails crawl out of the water?

    This might seem like a dumb question, but in all of the books that I have I can not find any info on why do snails crawl up to the rim of the aquarium out of the water sometimes?? Anyone know???
  3. sdascher

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    Yes, I now get it, but I think that I will go with the first suggestion from you and have the overflow in the 125 down to the sump and get another overflow (300gph) for the 55g down to the same sump each with its own pump to pump back up into the tanks. The water is "joined" at the sump, so...
  4. sdascher

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    OK - because I am not a pro.....yet - How about I just use the 800gph overflow down to the sump - pump it back up into the spraybar! I should be able to get this under control. Then when I get that under control I can work on a way to go over the side maybe to tie the 2 tanks water together...
  5. sdascher

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    In response to jumpfrog..... so in my (little) mind I am picturing a clock like cycle is what I now have, from the 125 down to the sump, up to the 55 refugium and back into the 125 - so if I understand you correctly, all I need to do is to reverse this set up and add another overflow on the 55...
  6. sdascher

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    I think I screwed up!! I have all of my animals & soft corals in a 55g tank and a 45g tub w/good equitment, and they are OK but they want to go home, and I've been screwing around with this set-up for 4 weeks!!I got some great information and advice from members here at SWF - Thanks! I made a...
  7. sdascher

    my tank crashed what do i do now

    This is what I did when my power went out and mine crashed!! Removed all dead animals and tired to account for them all. I never found one starfish, but I did find all others. I drained out approx. 20% of the water - put any crabs/snails that made it through the horror in a bucket along with...
  8. sdascher

    Dead Rock!!

    You guys are so funny-!! :D I do enjoy the remarks......... I'm still smiling! Thanks!! :D
  9. sdascher

    ID please

    I have Xenia and recently it looked a lot like your pic!! I have the corals & fish in 2 55g tanks as I am tearing out the CC from the 125g tank and putting in 50/50 playsand & LS from!! Great Live sand by the way... anyhow all of the corals were doing fine for a week or so but one day...
  10. sdascher

    Dead Rock!!

    Thanks guys!!
  11. sdascher

    Dead Rock!!

    I need some advice PLEASE! I am not up on curing & making use of all dead rock! I have a friend who owned a very large tank that was broken - fish all were OK and taken to a LFS but they do not sell LR and so with no place to keep it, no one to give it to, he just let it die!! (Yes he's nuts &...
  12. sdascher

    ID Please

    NM Reef - I would really freak if I saw fruit in my tank!! :D
  13. sdascher

    ID Please

    Yes I know. These rocks are not in my reef at the moment. They were removed into a spare 55g for this very reason, to get the algae bubbles off and maybe aptasia without kalk or bubbles floating into other rocks in the reef. The link above is a pic for aptasia anemomes. I had them also, but...
  14. sdascher

    ID Please

    Aptasia????? These are in small groups and the little dark brown tiny tubes or stick like, are really small and has been small for a long time, maybe 8 months??? They have a green base with tiny tenicles just like aptasia. They do tend to multiply but they are not growing bigger very fast, and...
  15. sdascher

    Need advice on building glass tops!

    Sorry - My computer was down for a few days..... Resolved the problem by using a razor and cutting some of the rubber gripping strips out from inside the hinges!! Now it fits great!! As far as the plastic back strips are concerned... I also can trim them and spot glue them into place. Thanks for...
  16. sdascher

    Need advice on building glass tops!

    I had the bright idea of building my own glass tops for 2 55g tanks that I recently became the proud owner of!! I ordered the hinges for the all glass - had the glass cut at 3/16th (the same as my all glass 125g - ordered the strips for the backs of the tops..... now - whats the secret for...
  17. sdascher

    Wierd Hairy Mushroom??

    I have a ricordia that does the same thing! Maybe they are just happy!!!
  18. sdascher

    Wierd Hairy Mushroom??

    OK - Thanks guys!! The ones that I see in books & LFS is all small & even is why I thought maybe something was wrong with mine!! Guess not! Thanks again!!
  19. sdascher

    Wierd Hairy Mushroom??

    Does anyone know why this mushroom looks like this?? Some of the leggy things are huge - they look swollen. It has grown huge over the past year. It sits midway on a large rock under a 96 watt 50/50 smartlite. Maybe this is normal??
  20. sdascher

    Advice Needed!!
