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  1. sdascher

    New Tank Setup Question

    Thanks Thomas, I have Seaclone skimmers on all of my tanks - I love them!! After working out the "leaking" problem that I had with every one of them, they are great skimmers. The reason I wanted to replace the hang on filters is because of the inside pluming is sort of an eye sore if you know...
  2. sdascher

    New Tank Setup Question

    All comments are appreciated. I have a 125g reef tank that is healthy and has been up and running for approx. 2 years. It has LR and crushed coral for the bed. My problem is that I have yet another 125g tank that I want to make a fish only. I have seen the displays that has white sand/bleached...
  3. sdascher

    Ick or ???????

    Behold!! Now one of the fish has a popeye!! I am into a full 2 weeks of hyposalinity starting on week 3, I lost my clown fish 3 days ago..... one other clown fish still has some white specks on his back. My Domino has a popeye!! The Maracyn-Two is also recommended for Popeye, so yesterday I...
  4. sdascher

    ID Please

    Yea, it is soooo pretty but pretty don't get it if he will kill others!! I don't know if anyone else has this, but I have a separate "extra" 10 gal. tank ( Critter Tank ) that has a few little things in it that I don't want in the big reef tank like... 4 hermit crabs that got way too big over...
  5. sdascher

    ID Please

    Me again..... he is not really red, more of a creamy orange??? I did however examine this little guy up close with 10X mag. and he has tiny white dots on him!! Really pretty!! Hope this added info helps to ID him.
  6. sdascher

    ID Please

    This is a pretty red snail!!! I have a few of these hitch hikers, but I saw in one of my books, a simular snail that is not reef safe!! (now I can't find it - too many books!) He was red also, maybe a little different than this little guy. Does anyone know what kind of snail that this is and is...
  7. sdascher


    Greetings, Attached is a pic of a Limpet. I see no hole on the top so I am assuming that it is a "Cellana"" ???? Anyhow.... I am a little confused. I have read most of the threads here on Limpets, and I have read about them in the books that I have. I am seeing a 50/50 on if they are "really"...
  8. sdascher

    Ick or ???????

    Beth, I got the Maracyn-Two - dosed the tank yesterday as soon as got it - did a water change (approx. 2g) this morning and I did the reg. dose today. Everything looks good and now I am waiting for my clown buddy to get better. MEANWHILE - The main tank - 125g, has the LR and inverts in it...
  9. sdascher

    Ick or ???????

    I can go back, but I didn't see any Maracyn 2. What they have is white capsules in a blue & white box it says Maracyn for freshwater. All we have here is a small Pet shop that doesn't stock too many supplies and in the next town there is a *****. I order most of my supplies online. (Even my...
  10. sdascher

    Ick or ???????

    Thanks for the info. Beth. Someone else had also recommended Maracyn and I went to ***** today looking for it and they only had this medicine for Freshwater. I do however have MelaFix, which may not be as good, but it is a antibacterial medicine???? Would this work??? Should I double dose this...
  11. sdascher

    Ick or ?????

    Thanks for the reply Jon, I have been feeding my fish food thats been garlic soaked since I purchased them. I also used the freshwater dip & I also have dip away. I used the dip away on a wrasse and he died within minutes. He was also dusty/speckled looking. I should have started this...
  12. sdascher

    Ick or ?????

    Another picture showing the Domino also.
  13. sdascher

    Ick or ?????

    I had posted this thread this morning in the Treatment Bd. but I have not heard from anyone!! I do get a great response from this section!! Greetings!! I have lots of tanks.... One has been a problem for 6 months since we had a power outage!! Most of my tanks are reef tanks. This tank with the...
  14. sdascher

    Ick or ???????

    I have also posted another picture under the same title "ick or ??????"
  15. sdascher

    Ick or ???? PICS

    My clown is really worst!! Its looking so sad and it does swim sideways now. :o(
  16. sdascher

    Ick or ???????

    Greetings!! I have lots of tanks.... One has been a problem for 6 months since we had a power outage!! Most of my tanks are reef tanks. This tank with the problems..... is a 125g reef, has had signs of ick - used the kick ick - waste of money. With the power outage, I did loose 3 fish. I removed...
  17. sdascher

    Help Please!!!!

    Peppermint shrimp was not a molt.... I was hoping that it would be when I removed him, but it was a headless shrimp. I also have used a red light after the tank lights was off for a few hours and I have never been able to find these critters. I also have been checking the water like every few...
  18. sdascher

    Help Please!!!!

    Yes, my fish & inverts are well fed. I am on the border line of over feeding, I have to be careful. I think that the end result is that I will be looking this evening for a pest............. :o( ........... I have noticed both the fairy wrasse & my domino is pale looking and panting........ the...
  19. sdascher

    Help Please!!!!

    Whoops!! I forgot to mention a very important guy!! New to this tank - one Coral Banded Shrimp........ I added him approx. one month ago........... could he be my problem?????
  20. sdascher

    Help Please!!!!

    I have the traps, they don't work too well. I have caught shrimp and hemits in them, but nothing else. I am not sure about the mantis shrimp.... that's possible, I don't hear any clicking, but I do know that the one crab that I retreved from this tank and put into a 5g. tank is a killer!! My...