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  1. sangysc

    Red Starfish...F. elegans

    When my stars eat, their bodies become distended by whatever it was that they've eaten (krill, mysid, etc.) They can actually appear as if they're going to burst when they try to gorge themselves on a large piece of krill! As far as the darker color goes, my serpent stars don't appear to show...
  2. sangysc

    Minimum light for corals

    You can get a beautiful reef tank with only NO bulbs! I have in my 46 bowfront the following: tubastrea sun coral (fantastic yellow polyps); orange, red, and purple gorgonians; several pink-tipped condylactis anemones; several flame-red scallops; an incredibly blue linkia starfish; a scarlet...
  3. sangysc

    killer anenome?

    Very possible, in fact, likely! Some clowns (in their eagerness to please their host anemone)will aggressively seek out food for their "buddy." I witnessed a big clarkii grab a beautiful cleaner shrimp and feed it to his carpet anemone practically before the shrimp even left the bag from which...
  4. sangysc

    Maroon Clown with Condylactis?!?!

    I purchased a beautiful maroon clown and a few days later I placed two condy/Haitian anemones in the tank with him. Two days later and (to my utter amazement) the clown has adopted one of them as his own! The LFS guy said that the only thing he might guess was that because the clown is NOT...
  5. sangysc

    Film on Top

    I had similar "surface problems" and read where you can make your own surface skimmer with a run-of-the-mill, plastic box like the ones that LFS's use to bag fish when you buy one to take home (yeah, the boxes they hang on the front of the tank, fill with water, then use to pour the fishy into...
  6. sangysc

    Film on Top

    I had similar "surface problems" and read where you can make your own surface skimmer with a run-of-the-mill, plastic box like the ones that LFS's use to bag fish when you buy one to take home (yeah, the boxes they hang on the front of the tank, fill with water, then use to pour the fishy into...
  7. sangysc

    Odd lunare wrasse behavior!

    Thanks to all of you who followed up on my queery. There probably isn't a question out there that you guys couldn't answer! Sangy
  8. sangysc

    Odd lunare wrasse behavior!

    I like to feed my filefish by hand at the water's surface, and while doing that this morning, my lunare wrasse (who appeared to be bothered by the presence of my hand)spit a small stream of water at me! I swear he did this (he wasn't just splashing), but is this unheard of? It was a clearly...
  9. sangysc

    Hospital Tanks

    Thanks for the reply, Beth! I didn't have the chance to go to the LFS for the meds until the next day and, lo and behold, the fish looked great in the morning!! Absolutely NO signs of infection whatsoever! He is very vigorous, and eating well . . . sometimes you just get lucky! Thanks...
  10. sangysc

    Hospital Tanks

    I have a white-spotted filefish that has been sick for the past few weeks. At first I believed it was only a touch of fin rot. I quarantined and treated with Melafix, and the fins have come back nicely. Now, however, since I placed him back into the home tank, he has developed what appears to...
  11. sangysc

    Are My Starfish Killing My Live Sand?

    There are several types of gobies that are prodigious sifters of sand. Mine is constantly churning up the top 1"-1.5". I suggest you speak to someone at your LFS to help recommend one that would fit well with the other members of your tank.