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  1. icon83

    mushroom closing up

    i have 2 blue mushroom polyps and they are both fairly big (about 1-1 1/2 inches). they are usually both open and spread out, but yesturday I noticed one of them seemed irritated and closed up. today, half of the shroom seems to be trying to open but the other half is shriveled up. also, I...
  2. icon83

    Moving a Polyp

    please, someone let me know if this is ok...i don't wanna end up using some kind of toxic glue that will wipe out my whole system....thanks! -Matt
  3. icon83

    Moving a Polyp

    ok, i just went to CVS and bought the CVS Brand "Super Glue Gel". It doesn't say anywhere on it, for marine use. Is this the glue I want to use? How can I tell if it is dangerous for my tank?
  4. icon83

    Moving a Polyp

    Quick question: I have had one blue mushroom polyp growing on a piece of LR for a few months...I recently bought better lighting and the polyp started growing pretty fast. I have been waiting to see if it would reproduce, and yesturday I noticed a very small polyp attatched to a piece of crushed...
  5. icon83

    plumbing question

    what does a ball valve do? where can i get one?
  6. icon83

    question about setting up sump

    ok i think i get the idea,,,im gonna try and make an overflow box myself using a hang on speciman container. how does this sound...i drilled a hole in the bottom of it and ran a 5/8" tube through it and sealed the hole with silicone. i am gonna put the other end of it in my sump. then im gonna...
  7. icon83

    question about setting up sump

    i put a 10 gallon tank under my 29 gallon...i was planning on starting a syphon from the display tank down to the sump and then having a pump bring the water back up. I was going to use 5/8" tubing and use suction cups or silicone to stick the tubing inside my tank (only 1" deep in the water...
  8. icon83


    ok, it was really weird....this is what happened... last night, at about exactly 24 hours after i put them in the tank, they all started to wiggle slowly, they did this for like 10 minutes, i thought it was funny how it took the same exact amount of time for them all to get used to the water and...
  9. icon83


    they're starting to move!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!! thanks for the responses everyone!!
  10. icon83


    thank you for giving me hope! :D
  11. icon83


    i tried moving some of them with a turkey baster,,and they don't respond at all...i don't know but i feel like they are dead
  12. icon83


    were they partially out of their shells?? were the antennas moving?
  13. icon83


    so it doesn't necessarily mean they are dead if their "feet" are out of their shells and aren't attatched to anything? also, their antennas aren't moving much. honestly they look dead, but i want to be sure...i feel like they should live,,based on how i acclimated them and my water. but they...
  14. icon83


    yes they are right side up,,,but what worries me is that some of them are like half-way out of their shells and aren't attached to anything, is that a bad sign? my water is fine, 82 degrees, 1.022 salinity, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and around 40 nitratres...i also just put a phosphate pad in the...
  15. icon83


    hey,,,I just bought 5 astrea snails, acclimated them for about 2 hours, and put them in my tank...i tried to stick them to the glass and a few stuck and some fell,,,then, after a little while they all, they are all just sitting still and i can't see them moving very much...are they...
  16. icon83

    Crazy Algae

    it has been up for about a year
  17. icon83

    Crazy Algae

    Hey everyone,,,a few weeks ago, algae started to accumulate on the parts of LR that are exposed to the light. i started to rub it off with a toothbrush, and then i went away for a little and i came back and the tank was covered in green, brown, and some purple looking algae. I brushed it off as...
  18. icon83

    vacation question

    whats up people..i am going away for about 3 weeks and I was wondering if there is any equipment that can automatically drip water into my tank to replace evaporated water. it seems like there should be one,,,if anyone knows anything about this pleasse let me know..! thanks a lot!
  19. icon83

    Missing Trigger,,,HELP!

    hey,,i just got a new Piscasso Triggerfish and acclimated him in my tank. He got used to the new enviroment and started eating in about an hour. he was swimming all over and checking out the hiding spots in the LR. about after 3-4 hours, i realized i didn't see him anymore and i begin to think...
  20. icon83

    help w/ red sponge

    hey, im a little worried...i got some red ball sponge recently and it hit some air on the way in. Is it doomed? Is there anything i can do to make sure it stays healthy?? please write back,,,any comments or suggestions are going to help.