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  1. rykna

    Large Tank or Small Tank

    That would be sweet. I am still leaning towards the 90g.
  2. rykna

    Large Tank or Small Tank

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ is the outer orbit a mh fixture? T Yes.
  3. rykna

    Large Tank or Small Tank

    The main thing I am trying to iron out is expenses and maintenance. I like my 90g better, however, the light I have for it is and outer orbit which sucks electricity. And I think the Outer Orbit may be a bit bright for seahorses.
  4. rykna

    Large Tank or Small Tank

    Which size tank do you think would be easiest maintain, most cost efficient, and have the most long term success. Please include all seahorses and pipe fish when making your decision. 38g V.S. 90g Please include your thoughts on your decision. ~Rykna
  5. rykna

    Two "Raising Fry" questions....

    How are the babies doing?
  6. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ That's good news. I am glad to hear you also talked to Dan about it. Everyone can learn from this type of research. TeresaQ Thanks Teresa, I am so thankful that I did not have to kill everything in my tank. Thanks again for introducing me to Dan and Abby. ~Rykna
  7. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    I contacted several people regarding the Mycobaterium in my tank. One was a Dr. Brian Aukes, a Fish Pharmceutical, who has specialized in Fish Disease for the past 41 years. Do to the fact that the sick horses were only in the DT for 24 hours, His diagnosis was leaving the DT fallow 3-4 months...
  8. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by ann83 :( If you bleach them enough to kill the myco, they're not going to survive. You can't soak living things in a bleach solution; and it would be an awfully inhumane way of euthanasia. :( Your absolutely right. :( Shortly after posting this, I realized exactly...
  9. rykna

    Happy Birthday Rykna!!!

    WOW! Thanks all You guys are the best cyber friends any one could ask for My 34 birthday was awesome. The best part about it is that it wasn't about having a big party or tons of presents, it was the happiness and love that surrounds me, my family, and my friends. My daughter, Aria(8 yrs.)...
  10. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    One last desperate idea. If I take all the coral and inverts in my tank, bleach them, rinse them off with tap water, and then set them in a QT. If any of them survived would they be safe to place back into the tank?
  11. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by ReefNutPA Remember for your next purchase.... ONLY true captive bred seahorses direct from a breeder or online vendor selling true captive bred seahorses. Also, make sure to QT any new arrivals including the initial pair for at least 2-4 weeks, some recommend longer. It...
  12. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by ann83 Rykna, sorry to hear this happened to you. On the corals and inverts, unfortunately you really only have 3 options: 1. Destroy/discard them. 2. Keep them in a dedicated quarantined system that doesn't come in contact with any other systems, and in which you don't...
  13. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by spanko I know nothing of keeping seahorses but the story makes one wonder how they survive in a wild setting. Were these tank raised Rykna? Are the tank raised horses immune systems compromised because the lack of exposure to these bacterium over time? Are wild horses...
  14. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I know this is hard. It is what I would have you do also. I would not take the chance of passing on the parasites to healthy horses. I would boil the sand, rock, and bleach the tank. I would throw out any macros and even trade in the snails. I know it too a while to...
  15. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I think I can answer some of this. Kelloggi are a species no one has had much luck with. They are a deep water species that are net raised in Asia for medical use. This means they are raised in the ocean and are exposed to everything. If they were wild, they would...
  16. rykna

    When Bacterium Attack

    All of you know I have been on a ongoing search to find answers and resources to help make our seahorse tanks successful. Since last September I have been cycling and preparing a tank for seahorses. Everything in this tank had been previously bleach, boiled, and sterilized to remove any possible...
  17. rykna

    Almost lost my horses

    Hang in there
  18. rykna

    Do horses do better in mated pairs?

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I dont think it really matters, but more keep female only tanks rather then male only tanks from what I have read. If your not going to raise babies, then go with a single s e x. Since males may have more problems with air in thier pouches, go female Thanks
  19. rykna

    Do horses do better in mated pairs?

    What do you think? Does it really help your horses' health and well being to be in a m/f pair? I have read that this can be somewhat stressful for the male since he is constantly pregnant. Any seahorse needs a friend. Which is more beneficial for the health and happiness of your seahorse? ~Rykna
  20. rykna

    Canister combo wave maker

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I use a rena-filstar Xp3 on my 150. I like it, its easy to clean. On my 54 I just got a Rapids Pro wet/dry with built in skimmer. It hasnt been running long enough got me to give an opinon except, so far so good. T Did you ever get your horses?? Yeah total...