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  1. sleeri

    Brittle Star?

    I'm sure it all depends on the B. Star and the rock structure, but I'd have to say my big Turbo snails knock over far more things than my star. I'm surprised to hear about all the concern over brittle stars attacking shrimp. Can't say that mine has ever shown the slightest interest in my Fire...
  2. sleeri

    What Kind of RODI unit do you have?

    Dave, you completely missed the point. Here's the message... you're better off waiting/saving until you can afford things like a good skimmer before you set up a tank. It's best for you and your marine inhabitants. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I/we were implying that you run a...
  3. sleeri

    What Kind of RODI unit do you have?

    golfish, that is exactly the point I was trying to get across. Well said.
  4. sleeri

    What Kind of RODI unit do you have?

    Dave, either way, you are implying that lots of people act that way and I don't think that's the case. Dave, the funny thing is, you probably spent more money than the person that skipped the $69 "budget" skimmer and held off on setting up a tank until they could find & afford a good skimmer and...
  5. sleeri

    Xenia Issues (long)

    Strange situation. When I first bought my Xenia it exhibbited similar disturbing behavior for the first couple of days I had it, although not as bad as yours, but after that it was fine. Like Ross said, it does close up at night and also when something passes too close or irrates it in some way.
  6. sleeri

    Additives 101

    Little, you hit the nail on the head. TEST before you start adding anything and continue testing after you've added stuff to your tank. When I started out with my reef I made the mistake of adding a calcium supplement without properly testing/monitoring my tank. My calcium quickly shot up to...
  7. sleeri

    Brittle Star?

    I've got a pretty big brittle star that I bought for my 55 reef about a year ago. He's got legs that stretch out to at least 5-6 inches. I was a bit worried when I first purchased him, but so far he has not created a single problem in my tank. The only slight negative for me has been the...
  8. sleeri

    What Kind of RODI unit do you have?

    I don't drive a MERCEDES, but I did put a little money a side to purchase an Airwaterice Typhoon III and a Euroreef skimmer. I don't think the majority of us are trying to be "snobs" about this stuff. We've just figured out that these high end products produce far superior results. There...
  9. sleeri


    GreatfullReefer, what other "starter" corals that you would recommend for my setup?
  10. sleeri


    jac913, I'm no expert, but I'd have to say your tank is probably overstocked. How long have you had all this in your tank? For starters, I'd junk the seaclone100 and get a better skimmer. I had one of those when I first entered the hobby several years ago and it was nothing but a...
  11. sleeri


    Thanks for the comments everyone. I realized that I forget to mention two other residents... a medium sized brittle star and some type of a black limpet (love this guy-had him for about 8 months now). GreatfullReefer, I have a 260 watt PC fixture (coralife). Changed the bulbs about 2 months...
  12. sleeri

    adding cured live rock

    3 pounds won't cut it for a 55. I've got 60 in mine and I think that may be a little light, but it depends what you want to get from it. If you're not looking to have a reef you probably don't need 100 pnds of live rock. It's expensive stuff. So adding a small amount every so often may be a...
  13. sleeri


    Just wanted to get an opinion on my current tank situation... I've got a 55 gal with a 12 gal refuge & a 12 gal sump (stated actual amounts of water that fuge and sump currently hold) Euroreef skimmer - CS6-1 Hot magnum filter running carbon and poly-filter pads 60 pnds of live rock 3.5-4 inch...
  14. sleeri

    Can a fire shrimp regenerate a claw?

    I bought a Fire Shrimp the other day which I thought was in great condition. When I got it into my tank I noticed it was missing a claw. Other than that it appears to be 100% healthy. This is no big deal for me so I decided to just keep him. Does anyone know if they can regenerate claws...
  15. sleeri

    Nassurious Snails

    I completely agree with ClarkiiBoi. Adding more inverts may not help your problem. I tried that quick fix with my first saltwater tank. I went with Conch, hermits, astrea, turbos, and nassurious snails. It didn't work. The algae grew too fast. I didn't know enough about algae and its...
  16. sleeri

    100% water change?

    Maybe "must" is too strong of a word. Yes, you can go with different options and succeed as I stated before, but like most things there is ussually a general concensous among professionals on the best opition and right now that is probably going to be DSB over CC. Like I said before, don't...
  17. sleeri

    100% water change?

    I'm sure you can have success with CC, but it's much more difficult to work with in my opinion. You're tank has to be perfectly maintained / balanced. If you lose control of your tank the CC becomes an algae producing machine. You'll have red slime cyno coating the CC in no time. Get ready...
  18. sleeri

    100% water change?

    Well, if you're planning on completely starting over I guess you can go for it. Do you have anything left living (Fish, coral, etc.)? Are you replacing the LS with CC? I would recommend against that. I started out my tank with CC and it was horrible. It traps all sorts of junk and ends up...
  19. sleeri

    100% water change?

    100% water change - not a good idea. I have the same question as ReefNut... why would you want to do this?
  20. sleeri

    can i see some 55-60 gal tanks?

    hobbes, I love the tank. Are those Star Polyps at the top of your tank? How are they doing for you? I'm considering getting some. What kind of lighting do you have?