What Kind of RODI unit do you have?



Guys, some RO membranes are better then others

I disagree unless you are talking a unit with a filmtec 100gpd membrane, which is not a "true" RO membrane. Dow calls it a "drinking water" membrane.
Otherwise IMO they are basicly the same. There are only two manufacturers of RO membranes and most of what you see are the DOW filmtec membranes.
I would agree that the carbon block filter are not all equal, don't skimp on those.


Active Member

Originally posted by jblabs
There are only two manufacturers of RO membranes and most of what you see are the DOW filmtec membranes.

That's right, but there are some that are better then others when it comes to rejection rates. That's why Spectrapure test each membrane they sale. They cost twice as much but if I'm getting zero of the RO then I know my DI's going to last a LONG LONG time.


Zero on the TDS and 5 is nothing when you realize that prior to this, those people were probably using tap water with a TDS of 150 or more...
The fact is, this is an affordable system that is better than no system at all... EVERYONE can't just go out and drop 250 or 300 bucks for water for their fish tank..
This is a GREAT deal on a STARTER RODI system...and will benefit anyone who buys it... when those elements wear out, they can replace them with better elements later when maybe they can afford better elements.. In the meantime, they have water quality that is 100 times better than what they are using for a price they can afford...
I don't mean to be rude, but there seem to be quite a few SNOBS in this hobby that feel if you don't have the EUROREEF SKIMMER, and the 300 dollar RODI unit, and the TUNZE this and the .....blah blah blah, you get my meaning... WE DON"T all drive a MERCEDES either....


I don't drive a MERCEDES, but I did put a little money a side to purchase an Airwaterice Typhoon III and a Euroreef skimmer.
I don't think the majority of us are trying to be "snobs" about this stuff. We've just figured out that these high end products produce far superior results. There really is no comparison between a Euroreef and a Seaclone100. Sure the ER costs $150-200 more, but the decrease in algae and increase in water quality, fish/invert/coral health, and thus your enjoyment of the hobby is worth far more.


put words in my mouth.....
Posted by Sleeri..
"I don't think the majority of us are trying to be "snobs" about this stuff. We've just figured out that these high end products produce far superior results."
I did not say "the majority", I said quite a few... and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that high end products produce high end results...
What I am saying is, that everyone just plain can't afford high end... if you start adding up that $100 to $200 more, for RODI, Skimmer, Lights, etc... it starts adding up quite fast. All I am saying is, the advice seems to always be, don't buy the cheap one... and I am saying.. the cheap one is better than none at all if that is all you can afford.
I started out with a Seaclone skimmer, and it did a great job for me for the first eight months. When I had done more research, and could afford better, I bought better, but in the meantime I had a skimmer that effectively reduced the amount of crap in my tank..
I read the posts here everyday, and I just feel that the "advice" often seems to go way beyond advice and gets to the point where the advice almost make people feel bad that they can't afford the "high end" equipment.. Most people understand perfectly well that the more you spend the better the equipment will be. I think what they are asking is, since I can't afford to spend $400 for a Euroreef, will what I can afford work well enough to get me started. And the answer to that is a YES. A Seaclone is better than no skimmer at all. And YES, a $69.00 RODI unit is better than tap water. And YES, a Ford is better than walking....but sometimes it just seems as if people are being told that if they can't afford the Mercedes, then they should not even have a drivers license...


Active Member

Originally posted by DaveB
What I am saying is, that everyone just plain can't afford high end... if you start adding up that $100 to $200 more, for RODI, Skimmer, Lights, etc... it starts adding up quite fast. All I am saying is, the advice seems to always be, don't buy the cheap one... and I am saying.. the cheap one is better than none at all if that is all you can afford.

Nobody said this hobby was cheap..."if you can't run with the big dogs then stay on the front porch" JK .. Back when I started there was no internet, all we had were bad books and bad advice from the LFS. Things are different now. I'm all for saving money but buying low grade stuff that will have to be replaced is a waste.
Now, back to the RO units. Back when I bought my Spectrapure unit there were only a hand full of reef quality units avalible. There was no ----, no --, not much info at all. If I were to buy another unit today I'd have to look at all the units and see if its worth it to replace the canisters with clear (if I can't get clear) replace the RO membrane and other cartridges...
My thought is that if you can't afford it now, SAVE.....My Grandpa always told me "do it right the first time"


Dave, either way, you are implying that lots of people act that way and I don't think that's the case.
Dave, the funny thing is, you probably spent more money than the person that skipped the $69 "budget" skimmer and held off on setting up a tank until they could find & afford a good skimmer and thus become one of those "snobs".
I think most people promote the expensive products because they're trying to let others know that you're probably going to regret blowing $69 on a seaclone when you finally discover several months down the road what you really need to succeed. Simply put, they don't want you to make the same mistake they did.
Lets also not forget that you're responsible for the lives of the creatures/corals you put into your tank. Cheap and easy for you isn't always the best answer.


to a degree... but would you really reccomend that someone run without any skimmer at all for the next year, if all they can afford right now is a cheap one? I don't think that is good advice at all.. and this is about good advice..
Seaclones are not the total piece of crap that so many people seem to claim they are. Mine has been doing a pretty good job. Sure I have to adjust it more often, and sure I have to clean it more often, that is part of the price you pay for not being able to afford a Euroreef. But while I was saving my money for the GOOD Skimmer, the health of my tank and livestock was greatly improved by having the Seaclone.
There is no logical argument against that.. To tell someone to not do anything while they save for the Euroreef is BAD advice.
I only paid 50 bucks for my Seaclone 150, it worked well for 8 months. Much better in FACT than no skimmer at all. Then I saved, bought a good quality expensive skimmer. And sold the Seaclone for 35 bucks.. So , please somehow justify to me that I would have been better off going without any Skimmer at all for 8 months, rather than spend the 15 bucks the Seaclone cost me for 8 months of use...????
As for Sleeri's assertion that " I probably spent more by getting the Seaclone to start with", while I waited for a GOOD DEAL on a USED Quality Skimmer is rubbish.. Not only did the cost of the Seaclone only amount to 15 bucks, but in the meantime my tank was healthier, my livestock in a better environment, and I had time to research and wait for a GREAT DEAL on a used Skimmer, which saved me over $200 over running out and buying a brand new pump and skimmer...
Sorry, I just don't agree with your advice, and think you are doing a diservice to people when you say wait until you can afford the higher priced equipement... And then there is the factor that when I upgrade, my cheap equipment becomes available to the next beginner to start the same cycle over again... SO for the health of the livestock, and the hobby in general, I think the advice of wait until you can afford the better equipment is really just a way to justify your position.. not really GOOD advice..


Dave, you completely missed the point. Here's the message... you're better off waiting/saving until you can afford things like a good skimmer before you set up a tank. It's best for you and your marine inhabitants. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I/we were implying that you run a tank without a skimmer. I would never recommend that.
The Seaclone is not a good skimmer... it's just cheap. Maybe you just got lucky or had a really light bioload. I'm sure you've noticed quite a difference between your old seaclone and current "good" skimmer. If not, your water is either incredibly clean or your skimmer isn't as good as you think.


LMAO, you can't be serious...
There are more factors to good water quality than a skimmer alone, and to have the gall to tell people they should wait to get into this hobby until they can afford only the best equipment is ludicrous..
I have a 90 gallon tank, some would consider my tank overstocked. You make many assumptions, with no basis in fact in order to justify your position. When in fact, as long as you are willing to do some manual labor this hobby is completely possible without having to purchase only the best most expensive equipment. To assert otherwise is insulting.
The only validity to your point of view is if you want to have a tank that is completely automatic, and all you have to do is sit and look at it in the evening. Hell, you can even hire outside help to perform all your maintenence. But the reality is, that anyone willing to work at this hobby, can make a beautiful tank, with healthy water quality and a wonderful environment for their pets. Water changes, cleaning, filtration, skimming, even with a Seaclone skimmer, proper feeding, all play a role. The amount of money one spends on equipment only makes this hobby easier, not BETTER...
Why don't you just admit that we disagree instead of trying to assert that I somehow am missing the point. It is very obvious here who is missing the point, and it is not me. I have worked hard to keep my tank healthy because I did not want to spend large amounts of money on equipment for a hobby I might not stay with and enjoy. Now that I am sure I enjoy it, I am more willing to spend more money so I can work less and enjoy it even more. I would match my water quality against anyones, even with the Seaclone skimmer. And for your information, with a few minor changes a Seaclone can and does very effectively do its job. In the early months of setting up my tank, I had to dump the collection cup of my Seaclone several times a day because it was doing its job and Skimming the crap out of my water. But as I have said, it didn't do it on automatic pilot, I had to adjust, clean and keep up with it too. So the advice you should be giving people is not that Seaclones are junk, but that they require much more work than a more expensive skimmer. But if you are willing to do the work, a Seaclone will do what it is intended to do.
Your attitude accomplishes nothing but discouraging people with limited funds to enter into this hobby. A lot of people are willing and able to do more work, so they can enjoy the hobby without having to spend top dollar on every piece of equipment they need.


Active Member

Originally posted by DaveB
... but would you really reccomend that someone run without any skimmer at all for the next year, if all they can afford right now is a cheap one?

Without a doubt...
Originally posted by DaveB

I only paid 50 bucks for my Seaclone 150,

Do you really think its fare to talk about used prices...
IMO, suggesting that people buy cheap, low grade equipment is irresponsible. I'd much rather see people DIY equipment then buy cheap worthless stuff.
You keep bringing up skimmers and every time I LMAO because there are lots of tanks out there that run skimmerless. I guess either these people were smart enough to not buy a cheap skimmer or bought one and figured out it was worthless. I ran a 55 gal full blow lps tank for years. I used an ETSS Reef Devil II skimmer, it was by far the biggest waste of money I have ever spent (except for those SEIO's) That tank did just fine skimmerless.
Going back and looking at your last few post I see that for some reason you feel the need challenging people. I don't know why, maybe you can't get rid of that slice (swing out, not in) or your missing those two footers (look at the spot under the ball after you make the stroke).
I can tell you with 100% certainty that your Seaclone skimmer is no match for an ER, ASM, MRC and for you to even suggest that shows what little you know. You can ramble on and on about how good your cheap eqiupment performs, all that proves to me is how little you know.
Let me ask you this...what kind of golf clubs do you use? If a friend said he wanted to start playing golf would you suggest he start with a cheap low grade set or a good used set? Now, I'm not talking about prices here.


Clubs do not make one bit of difference in your swing, until you have developed a swing... so I would suggest starting out with a cheap set of clubs.. I used a very cheap set of clubs until I was about a 15 handicap.. then I got a set of King Cobras, and took 5 more strokes off my handicap in two weeks.. LMAO
As far as how little I know about this hobby....you are very correct. I am new, been in it less than a year. But I do know this much. My water quality was much better a month after getting my cheap Seaclone skimmer than it was before I had that cheap skimmer...and all that green nasty crap I dumped out of the skimmer collection cup three times a day would still be in the water if I had not had any skimmer at all...
Be that as it may, I think people here are entitled to my point of view just as much as they are yours.. Ultimately, they will make their own decision, but with my CHALLENGE of your almighty opinion, they will at least have another perspective...


"Have the gall"... I'm only sharing an opinion, not a law. It's what I think to be the best approach to creating a healthy, stable enviorment for our fish.
The fact that you put a Seaclone100 on a 90 gallon tank, which as you put it, "some would decribe as overstocked," is rather troubling. The Seaclone is absolutely no match for a high end skimmer. You might as well stop trying to make that comparison. I'm guessing the skimmer is not an important part of your filtration setup or your tank would be a disaster.
The only one that has an attitude that "accomplishes nothing" is you. You're obviously quite bitter about something. Why else would you write a ridiculous, seething novel in reponse to my post?


I have never lost any livestock to bad water quality, and you can repeat how bad a Seaclone is as often as you like, but a Seaclone 150 can and does, with proper maintenence and adjustment remove enough crap from the water to keep it healthy. I am not comparing it to a high end skimmer, that would be rediculous, but I am saying that if that is what you can afford, it will perform well enough to keep a tank healthy.
I do not understand why you feel that the only people who should be able to enjoy this hobby are those that can afford only the best high end equipment..
There are people who can afford the best equipment that kill an awful lot of livestock anyway, because they don't take the time to learn anything and expect the equipment to do everything for them.. In the end, it is great to be able to afford only the best, but it certainly is not a requirement to be able to enjoy this hobby.
I also am only sharing an opinion. But since it doesn't agree with yours, it appears as though you feel I am not entitled to mine...


Active Member

Originally posted by DaveB
Clubs do not make one bit of difference in your swing, until you have developed a swing... so I would suggest starting out with a cheap set of clubs.. I used a very cheap set of clubs until I was about a 15 handicap.. then I got a set of King Cobras, and took 5 more strokes off my handicap in two weeks.. LMAO

You just told me all I need to know (ROTFLMAO). I think I know a little about golf. I'd go so far as to say that I could take just 3 clubs from your cheap set plus my putter (aww, I'll putt with my driver) and take your money....and I've only played twice in the past 18 months...... Unless, your your left handed then all bets are off, I lost my left hand to a bull shark back in 62 :)
So you played with a cheap set for years and then bought an "OK" set and knocked 5 strokes of your "index" as you tell it..And just like eveything else, you suggest people start out with cheap equipment..
Tell me, do you also have a work shop full of cheap tools?


No, I did not use a cheap set of clubs for years.. LMAO, it took me all of six months to get to a 15 handicap, then a short time after that I was a 10, and I am now after 5 years of playing, a 2 handicap.... WHY do you insist on making so many assumptions.... My 18 year old son has been a scratch golfer since he was 15 and led his high school team to two State Championships... and yes I coach him... LMAO He is now in his first year of college, with a full Academic and Golf scholarship...
But of course, I would not even try to assert I would be any competition for you.. LMAO
When I am sure that I am going to use something on a regular basis, I do buy GOOD equipment, but when I am NEW at something, I usually start out with the less expensive equipment to make sure I am going to have a use for the more expensive equipment.. You can continue to make fun of that all you like, but there is no logical basis for your assertion that not running out and spending top dollar on anything you know LITTLE about is the best way to go... AS you have said, it is just your OPINION... LMAO
I live in St. George, Utah, we get to play Golf here year around, the weather is beautiful.... You are welcome to come visit anytime you choose, and we can play all the golf you like. My 18 year old son is also the Assistant Pro at one of the city Golf courses. He has worked there since he was 14. So you won't even have to pay green fees.. even though you could easily afford it with all the money you will take from me.


Active Member

Originally posted by DaveB
But of course, I would not even try to assert I would be any competition for you.. LMAO

you finally said something I can agree with....like I said, I'll take 3 clubs from your old set and my putter...I don't care which course. I live in So cal, we get to play some of the best golf courses in the world, year round.
So you buy good equipment but not expensive (oxymorone) I have to remember from now on to put my boots on before I read any more of your post...ROTFLMAO
Originally posted by DaveB

My 18 year old son is also the Assistant Pro at one of the city Golf courses. He has worked there since he was 14. So you won't even have to pay green fees.. even though you could easily afford it with all the money you will take from me.

Dude, I've been playing golf since I was 6 years old (46 now) I've been there and done that. I'm sure your son is a fine golfer but to tell me he's an "Assistant Pro" is like saying your the kind of the world. I mean, I think I'm the king of the world (my world) but it doesn't really mean anything. When I used to drive the range cart at age 16 I used to teach my buddies to play, so I guess you could say I was an "Assistant Pro "...ROTFLMAO