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  1. garyfla

    Best Damsels?

    hi here is a trick that worked for us Start feeding the fish within a net or guppy breeder.When you want him out lift the net. Worked on a Domino in 500 gallon live rock tank Gary
  2. garyfla

    Barebone or Full Size RO's

    Hi have you thought of having your water source tested? Then you could make some real comparisons between systems. and what tto emphasise in your own case.Don't forgwt that maintenence can be far more than the purchase price and if it doesn't rmove what you need what good is it no matter what it...
  3. garyfla

    building your own tank

    hi there are many ways to build your own tank and there are a lot of directions on various sites IMO it's not a worthwhile project due to the expense of the materials.When you think about it the tank is one of the cheaper expenses.compared to all the equipment and it's the one piece that can not...
  4. garyfla

    Any Kansas reefers out there?

    Hi Is Guptons still operating in Wichita? I grew up in Hutchinson Gary
  5. garyfla

    Best Reef Setup I've Ever Seen

    hi That is a fantastic tank I assume the 15 grand does not include livestock. Looked like at least a thousand in stock. Also only 125 a month to operate that's great if accurate. I would expect a unit that size to be drawing at least twice the rest of the house. I've estimated at least 250 in my...
  6. garyfla

    20,000K dimmer than 10,000K from physics viewpoint

    Hi Go to the ANSI site and read the the shortcomings of HID lighting All bulbs are not created equal. I found the random differences incidental radiation remarkable not to mention the variences of the lux versus CRI Artificial light certainly has a long way to go doesn't it?? Gary
  7. garyfla

    difficulty level

    hi If you think you'll move in less than two years I'd wait.Moving a tank is difficult at best and could be a total disaster Avoid it if you can Gary
  8. garyfla

    When I grow up.....

    Hi Do a lot more reading and planning. You will not only save a lot of money you'll save the lives of some very delicate animals.Maybe keep the stuff you have now and learn first hand Moving a tank will always involve a recycle and only time will tell to what degree. Go slowly and learn and...
  9. garyfla

    Double ended MH....and mogul based..UV FILTEREDLIGHT??

    Hi Go to the bulb manufacturers sites They will tell you far more than you ever wanted to know.Now understanding it,another story lol Gary
  10. garyfla

    titianium heater??

    hi if you're worried about metal degradation Forget it you won't live long enough for that to happen. The glass in your tank will disolve firast Gary
  11. garyfla

    Tank materials

    Hello Would like some pros and cons of the different type tanks (Glass Acrylis fiber glass) Particularly in over 100 gallon sizes. Thanks Gary
  12. garyfla

    Tanks from Petsmart

    Hi When we moved to Florida in 79 I used a 40 breeder for a packing box for household items It sat for three years on end in the closet.I set it up after that and maintaned it for 2 years Was then used as a live bait well on boat and was then given to a friend you used it for another two years...
  13. garyfla

    Tanks from Petsmart

    Hi Was curious if anyone had ever had a tank completely fail? Glass break or adhesive let go. In over 30 years of keeping tanks I've never had one do it. In fact I've never even had one leak except for the old stainless framed ones. Gary
  14. garyfla

    Tanks from Petsmart

    Hi I'm curious as to what would be the difference in the tanks except long term mainteenance.What else does a tank need to do except hold water and be non reactive? Gary
  15. garyfla

    Advice needed!!!!!!!!

    Hello Whoa!! What's the big rush A small tank gives almost no margin for error. Give it at least a week.Watch your tests Give the sstem a chance to mature and add only one very small fish If it wre mine I'd wait a month before adding anything but if it's stable you may get by with it Your call Gary
  16. garyfla

    Tank elements direct from nature?

    Hi I'm doing something quite similar with a 125.I live in south florida but am not particularly interested in reef tanks I thought more of a sand flat or tide pool setup. In your case I would certainly check into licenses and local laws.I assume you're talking more of an invert tank than fish...
  17. garyfla

    I am making a custom tank.....gimme your opinion

    hi Why would you want to make a tank 48 inches deep? How are you going to reach to the bottom? And you're sure going to need some "SUPER" lights to get to the bottom Wouldn't milling groves into the material weaken it at that point?It would no longer be the required thickness Are you sure you've...
  18. garyfla

    Built in refugium (algae scrubber) ???????

    hi i've seen this done mainly to quiet the overflow but not sure of the bio effect as it's a verlimited area.Don't see what ir could hurt Go for it gary
  19. garyfla

    Planning for a new setup

    Hi My .02 cents. When you build the tank into the wall consider how it will be viewed,standing or sitting You mentioned that you have access behind it. Don't put the tank so high that you cant touch the bottom.Best in every area. You can use stool or bench to gain access but thay always seem to...
  20. garyfla

    Need help with tank set-up dilema!!

    hi I'll add some thoughts.Do you have enough room in the location that it won't interfere with other uses? Will the floor hold the incredible weight? Will humidity be a problem not only for the room but other objects(Paintings rugs anytrhing affected by moisture Do you see having to move in the...