Search results

  1. garyfla

    DIY 120gal tank

    Hi I would begin by locating and pricing all the materials You will be shocked at the price of glass that size and I'd bet they will have to special order. Shop around in used furniture stores for glass table tops and design around this size. The wood should be covered with epoxy paint because...
  2. garyfla

    Goldflake Angel

    Hi Obviously, the data on hardiness would have to be from "average" experience if there is such a thing.Some of this wouls have to be from collecting,holding and shipping as well as how the fish is ultimately housed I personally ,have a friend who is keeping a Regal angelfish,Pinnatus batfish...
  3. garyfla

    Activated carbon research-Pro's and Con's

    Hi How about carrying the idea a step further and use AC rather than a DSB?IME any AC is eventually very biologically active no doubt about that Say in a sump or refugia?You could change part of it or leave it alone could also be mixed with other materials With tests you could get a fair idea of...
  4. garyfla

    Built in tanks

    Hi Anyone know of some good info on building tanks in to the wall? Particularly the structual problems such as extreme weight and dealing with humidity and plumbing layouts? Thanks Gary
  5. garyfla


    Hi Thanks for the suggestions.I can't think of anything that requires more planning than a marine tank especially if it's built in. I'm thinking of a hex going through the wall maybe offset so more of the tank is in the living room than office.Have the stand built away from the wall and another...
  6. garyfla


    Hi Beautiful setup!!Anything you would do different if doing it again?Does the raised height for viewing make maintenance more difficult?How about evaporation? I'm going to do some thing similar but want to view the tank from both sides and still have as little equipment showing as possible.Any...
  7. garyfla

    A Real Ocean!

    Hi I always found that amazing that the oceans of the worl vary less than 5% except for the land locked seas.Even at the mouth of the Amazon river where the normal flow rate is around one billion gallons per minute though the affected zone extend over two hundred miles The amount of rainwater...
  8. garyfla

    Building a Tank into a wall in my basement. Need advice please

    Hi I'm thinking of doing the same thing except between the living room and office I've done it several times with planted tanks but this is the first marine.Each was better but there was always something lacking and this time I want to do it right.Once you fill them with water there's no...
  9. garyfla

    Activated carbon research-Pro's and Con's

    Hi Okay here's my .02 cents The use of carbos is STILL a hotly debated issue in FW and any other system that uses them First they vary a lot what they're made of how they are manufactured and how they're packaged.How could you compare them? One thing for sure they absorb all sorts of things but...
  10. garyfla

    Need some info

    Hi I've worked in a lfs and I've foound a common thread about people just getting into aquariums and particularly the marine aspect of the hobby.Maybe this will helpyou at least give you some thoughts.Runaway #1 They don't set realistic bugets This hobby is expensive.time consuming and requires...
  11. garyfla

    Got pics!

    Hi I just guessed at the age of your tanks Old tanks (5 years)have a very encrusted appearance.You don't noyice it day to day but if you compare pics a year apart there is a very noticeable difference A lfs had a school of Heniochus and I've got to have a tank like that!!!Most of what I've read...
  12. garyfla

    Mandarin Goby?????????

    Hi Copepods is a generic name for a large group of shelled animals.If you have LR you will have copepods They're very small so it's difficult to arrive at numbers Look very closely at an established tank They're most obvious where the sand an glass meet.Knowing if you have a sustainable colony...
  13. garyfla

    Beach sand?

    Hi I'm going to collect my own materials for a 125 I'm setting up.I'm going to use the marl from the mangrove intrusion areas rather than the sand flats.The plan so far is about 4 inches sifted only for obvious things Tank filled with seawater and all systems running. Anyone want to exchange...
  14. garyfla

    Can I use this live sand from the keys????

    hello Pedator,I'm going to do something similar with a 125 I'm starting up.But I think I'm going to start with the marl,found in the mangrove intrusion areas.My plan is to set the tank up completely,everything working and then add the marl.No sifting or sorting ecept for obvious things like...
  15. garyfla

    Feather rock for base rock or diy live rock

    Hi Many years ago,I used nothing bue Lava rock.The dark ,very pourous type because that's all I could find.That tank contained a royal gramma,bat fish, a cleaner shrimp and a very small queen angel It lasted for over 4 years and was still doing wellWe moved so I don't know what the final outcome...
  16. garyfla

    Mandarin Goby?????????

    Hi When we put Mandarins in our 350 gallon reef.He hid immediately and we thought we had lost himIt took about a week and we caught sight of him.Now he is always in view Never swims ,just hops around and stays mostly in the bottom third of the tank he has been in the tank for over a year now and...
  17. garyfla

    sea horses

    Hi Seahorses are wonderful creature aren't they? They need specialized tanks and special care.Check out some of the web sites on them.Apparently they are difficult but far from impossible with the right setup Good luck..............Gary
  18. garyfla

    Got pics!

    Hi Really beautiful setup!!! I can see that the tanks are faily young Any particular problems with the species you've put together?I was particularly interested in the Heniochus any problems with him? Be careful around the bluering I'm sure you know how toxic they are. Gary
  19. garyfla

    Poll: MH ,VHO or Both

    Hi All systems of lighting have advantages and drawbacks.Having both is supposed to make up for the limitations of the other. It depends a lot on what you want to keep If you're just staring out and don't see sps corals as the main part of the setup go with the CF.You can always upgrade later...
  20. garyfla

    Icecap 660 questions---

    Hi I used the PVC lumber that is used for fencing material.It is already finished white and is highly reflective.It's also cheap and easy to work with.Comes in standard lumber sizes.I did put fiber glass screen directly behind the tubes to help dissipitate heat Gary