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  1. dominican

    New Hippo Tang Problem

    I just bought a new medium sized Hippo Tang from my LFS yesterday. Aside from occasional ich issues, this has proven to be a pretty reliable LFS. This hippo had just arrived, and like others I'd seen there, he was doing everything he could to hide behind/in/under rocks. I figured they're just an...
  2. dominican

    Problem: Anemone vs Powerheads

    Clarkii, Thanks. I'm going to start looking for a creative way to shield the two intakes so that my critters can't get close enough to be sucked in.. Maybe just surrourd them with the right shaped rocks.. I appreciate the input, and good luck with your guys... Regards, Dominican
  3. dominican

    Problem: Anemone vs Powerheads

    Yep. My first anemone.. I got him on Friday-day. My maroon took to him within 3 hours. (!!!) I was ecstatic. When I turned on the lights in the morning, he was stuck to the powerhead intake... :( I dunno if he let go from the rock he had been firmly attached to and floated around until he got...
  4. dominican

    Problem: Anemone vs Powerheads

    Two 96x2 watt Metal Halides (10,000K) and One 96x2 watt Actinic (same). One of my actinics is currently out... They span the length of the 6foot 150g tank... |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| | [hr] | |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| | [hr] | Actinic Actinic | [hr] | | [hr] | | [hr] | | [hr]...
  5. dominican

    Problem: Anemone vs Powerheads

    Hi everyone. I'm an anemone newbie, but have an established 150g fowlr (1yt, maroon clown, orange spotted sleeper goby, 2 firefish gobies, 2 urchins, snails, reefsafe hermits). I want to add anemones for color/variety. However, I have two powerheads for good tank circulation. I recently lost a...
  6. dominican

    HELP!!:Update on ICH not better!

    Dunno for sure, but ich can't survive without any fish for the period of time you'll need to have your inverts in the rubbermaid, so moot point I think.. Probably 4 or 5 weeks total to hypo your fish in the main. Like Beth said, check out the FAQ on hyposalinity for details.. I'm in the middle...
  7. dominican

    HELP!!:Update on ICH not better!

    FOWLR? Pull your inverts to the QT and hypo the whole display. Good luck...
  8. dominican

    Help With Ick!!!!!!!!

    Docta: Hope to save you lots of headache. Read the thread currently at the top of the list "ICH!!!! Not again". You should consider QT and hypo. Speaking from experience explained in that thread. Hope it helps. Dominican
  9. dominican

    ICH!!!! Not again

    Update: Figured i'd post an update since this thread has survived.... Well, I gave up on Melafix. Didn't work! I lost my Emperor, my threadfin butterfly, pseudochromis and a couple of yellow-tail damsels. Devastated, I finally broke down and bought a QT, bio-wheel and heater. I transferred...
  10. dominican


    Put them right side up on LR or on the substrate. When they're done napping, they'll putt around the tank eating (usually at night), and then they'll pick some random time/place to take another nap. That's just how they are. Eventually some will die, and you'll know it because your crabs will be...
  11. dominican

    "0" Cycle Time?

    Thanks for the replies. I really had no choice but to transfer my fish right away, since they were showing signs of ich. I'd already lost 3 fish trying to treat my 150g FOWLR (and some inverts) with Melafix. That was a friggin disaster. I don't recommend it. I finally broke down and tore down my...
  12. dominican

    "0" Cycle Time?

    Technically, if you start a new tank with water and LR from an established, cycled tank, and seed the new aragonite with live aragonite from the cycled tank, can the new tank automatically be considered cycled? Seems logical, but wanted to get your thoughts. Thanks. Context is that I set up a...
  13. dominican

    Instant Cycle?

    Technically, if you start a new tank with water and LR from an established, cycled tank, and seed the new aragonite with live aragonite from the cycled tank, can the new tank automatically be considered cycled? Seems logical, but wanted to get your thoughts. Thanks. Context is that I set up a...
  14. dominican

    ICH!!!! Not again

    Ok, here's the synopsys: Dosed at 3/4 for the last two days... Despite no new signs of Ich and good feeding behavior, I lost the butterfly on Night-5.. :( I figured he might have been too far gone based on my last observation (see my last post)... Emperor looked better and better over course of...
  15. dominican

    ICH!!!! Not again

    Dosed at 3/4 yesterday. The butterfly is definitely gilling more rapidly now, scratching and acting a little erratically. He also has new nodules (again!). I tried to catch him last night for a 4 minute freshwater bath, but nothin'-doin'. I came close a couple of times, but only succeeded in...
  16. dominican

    ICH!!!! Not again

    When I got home yesterday I got a scare. After looking for about 30secs I couldn't find the butterfly, and I don't know about everyone else, but that almost always means trouble in my tank. Eventually he came out from behind a rock (suspect the fire shrimp might have had a go at his ich, but...
  17. dominican

    ICH!!!! Not again

    Thanks nick.. see below: Dosed my sump with Melafix a second time last night.. Smells pretty nasty. Today Emperor and Butterfly still have a few remaining salt-grains while the ich cycle continues.. No noticeable difference in activity of any of my other buddies (fish or inverts). My...
  18. dominican

    ICH!!!! Not again

    I'm trying NickMetCal's suggestion now - Melafix. Yesterday was Day-1. I have a 150g FOWLR. Emperor Angel and Threadfin Butterfly have ich, no signs on maroon clown, yellow tang, 3 yellow tail damsels, pseudochromis or orange spot prawn goby. (also have inverts - 1 red cleaner shrimp, 1 fire...
  19. dominican

    Want clean substrate??? Read here.

    Yeah, that's the right pic. I've got about 200 lbs of LR, and it seems to keep the substrate seeded. I only have this one guy roving the aragonite, so I don't think he's doing irreparable damage - just cleaning the top layer. I could be wrong, but my LR and skimmer continue to do a great job...
  20. dominican

    Want clean substrate??? Read here.

    The Orange Spotted Prawn Goby is the answer to your problems: Is the answer to your problems: Links of that nature are not allowed. I have a 150g fowlr and have lots of windows in my house. I've got a good clean-up crew, but they weren't addressing the substrate. I was very frustrated for a few...