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  1. reefdude37

    10 Gallpn Nano Tank Problems

    Yes, I have the ceramic rings in the filter compartment. I also have a carbon bag and the bio balls and I have an AL-GONE pouch in there. I had a phosphate pouch but it was old and I took it out and didn't replace it. I would take all that stuff out, becuase it can build nitrates, I would add...
  2. reefdude37

    10 Gallpn Nano Tank Problems

    I say that any lfs that sells someone a blue tang to up in a 10/12 gallon is a bad one.
  3. reefdude37

    10 Gallpn Nano Tank Problems

    The tang died beucase your tanks to small to keep a tang.
  4. reefdude37

    10 Gallpn Nano Tank Problems

    never listen to your lfs, also, to make this short and simple, never put a tang in a tank less that 100 gallons, you are going to have problems, trust me
  5. reefdude37

    more 55 gal. pics

    Nice pics
  6. reefdude37


    My last Tank got far, I had corals and everything
  7. reefdude37

    questions for new tank owner

    You need to let your tank cycle first, this is required with every saltwater tank, You cant add anything except liverock and substrates until you cycle. It can take up to a month. You need to upgrade your lights before you get corals. I dont think you should get a anemone anyways becuase they...
  8. reefdude37


    Just wanted to say THANK YOU guys/girls that helped me get this far, sorry I just had to say it THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Ben Rush :happyfish
  9. reefdude37

    Another 10 gallon :)

    Originally Posted by arsen_36 nice job man! how much was that refuge? and what fish are you planning to get? The refuge was $100 fish: Ture percula Purple firefish also, alot of corals, I came home from school today and MAN is my tank brown I got a little algae Waitin for my tank to cycle so...
  10. reefdude37

    Live rock ready???

    I say do a water change and ur good to go
  11. reefdude37

    Another 10 gallon :)

    Originally Posted by sand125 looking good reefdude 37 Thanks :joy:
  12. reefdude37

    Another 10 gallon :)

    What do you guys think?
  13. reefdude37

    Post your 10 gallons

    Heres mine
  14. reefdude37

    Another 10 gallon :)

    Alright here are some clearer shots first, FTS... Second, Side FTS... Third, HOB refuge
  15. reefdude37

    Another 10 gallon :)

    Heres a new pick, will post a clearer pic when I fix the camera, I had to take this shot with my cell phone, I like the rockwork alot better, and its alot more sturdier.
  16. reefdude37

    New 5.5 gal setup...

    I would get some PC lights, has a good choice.(I shouldnt get in trouble for the link because does not sell lighting systems)
  17. reefdude37

    Post your 10 gallons

    Nice :)=
  18. reefdude37

    New Additions...PICS(again!)

    Are you trying to get the new clown to host?
  19. reefdude37

    New Additions...PICS(again!)

    Originally Posted by xhappyx tank looks great. I agree
  20. reefdude37

    stocking a tank

    I would not go with the inch's per fish rule, JMO