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  1. chadman

    powder blue tang blenny seems to be breating really hard...his gills are pumping...what does this mean or is it just a normal thing that happens when adding a fish to a new tank?
  2. chadman

    powder blue tang

    that is good news!
  3. chadman

    powder blue tang

    i just put him/her(blue hippo tang) in my gfriends tank an hour or so ago...he is swimming around like a nut in circles and all over the place this normal? he was rather expensive so i don't want him to die!!
  4. chadman

    powder blue tang question...

    i just put him in my gfriends tank an hour or so ago...he is swimming around like a nut in circles and this normal? he was rather expensive so i don't want him to die!!
  5. chadman

    Blueleg Hermit Crabs Are BAD?!

    i have blues and reds in my tank and they are all good...i don' understand why he would say this other than that the reds are more expensive so maybe he can make a few extra cents on each one
  6. chadman

    55g clean up crew..what do you think?

    in my 30g i have blue legs and scarlets which have been fine for over a year....i also have a few mexican turbos a few nassarius snails and a couple emeralds and no one fights....but then again i have damsels which i cannot get out of my tank and they don't fight with anyone either...i gave the...
  7. chadman

    anemone question

    no they won't i don't think...almost all the fish i really want are either too aggressive or aren't reef safe
  8. chadman

    anemone question

    yeah i always get the trites and trates thing mixed up myself.... i kinda figured to wait for the tank to be well established before adding clams...usually the prettiest things in this hobby tend to be the toughest to keep.....either that or can't be kept in a reef tank which sucks!! i want...
  9. chadman

    How many T5's on 55g?

    oh was on a 55g tank...that is why i was tellin yah :)
  10. chadman

    How many T5's on 55g?

    i just put two 150w mh's on my g friends tank...the coralife i believe pendant lights...they clamp on the the back of the tank...if this will work for you i think they are like 200 or less a piece....and they are BRIGHT...they are 14 or 15k i forget so they are pretty blue...and the mh shimmer...
  11. chadman

    55g clean up crew..what do you think?

    it is a new tank though so there is plendy of debris to pick at on the lr will be being added at the same time so we will start feeding so i think they should eat....there is a tiny bit of hair algae forming on the glass so i want to get a few snails in there
  12. chadman

    anemone question

    also about the tank cycle question again...if my ammonia is at zero and there are slight trites and trates..wouldn't that mean the tank is cycling? cause you can't have trites and trates with out first having ammonia correct?
  13. chadman

    anemone question

    this is true damsels can be tough guys sometimes mine are pretty chill though.... how about long do people wait before adding clams?
  14. chadman

    55g clean up crew..what do you think?

    5 nassaruius snails 10 mexican turbos 2 or 3 cleaner shrimps 25 hermits 5 emeralds 1-2 lawnmower blennies
  15. chadman

    anemone question

    i don't have a qt....and it took me months to get my rockwork set up the way i wanted it so i won't be moving that around....the only thing i haven't tried is getting a super aggressive fish that would eat them...but then i'm afraid the clowns would be history too...and i have a lot of coral
  16. chadman

    anemone question

    yeah i hear yah...patience is key in this hobby i have learned that... yeah my lfs would take the damsels back the only thing is i can't catch the darn things....i have a lot of lr in my tank, i have tried everything to get them out but nothing has worked thus far....i would have to take the...
  17. chadman

    getting an anemone

    there are yellow carpet anemones?!?! wowzerz i had no idea i only ever saw green and blue about having two different color carpets in a that asking for war?
  18. chadman

    anemone question

    haha the old lfs damsel i set up my 30g and had no clue about anything...the day that i put water in my tank my lfs said it would be fine to add fish...i added two clowns and four damsels not knowing any better....what a mistake...all are still kicking except for one...
  19. chadman

    anemone question

    i added about 50+lbs of uncured lr last week to my g friends 55g tank...i also added a cycle product which allegedly has bacteria and such to speed the cycle process which a lfs told us about....the first few days my ammonia nitrite and nitrate were through the roof since then my ammonia is...
  20. chadman

    getting an anemone

    yes but they sure are sweet looking right?