Search results

  1. saltyfish

    reef tank and corral advice needed

    OK I know that I'm not ready to set up a reef tank but I don't have a choice right now. I just bought a 75 gal tank nice from a guy that didn't want to do it any more. It came with some stuff and about $400 worth of corral. now I have never set A tank up before messed with the water levels in...
  2. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    how long to i need to cycle the tank?
  3. saltyfish

    Sump questions

    Thank you for the info your very helpful. I currently don't have any questions but i would love to get your email to ues you as a referance.
  4. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    I am well aware the cost and i am focausing on the tank right now i've not studied on the fish yet. i'm going to make my pruchases one by one until i have it together. i'm not worried about the fish yet. I would like to hear about your refrance to seeding cured rock. is that diferent the LR? and...
  5. saltyfish

    Looking for a 55 gal !!!

    my email is
  6. saltyfish

    Looking for a 55 gal !!!

    you have a web addy to that store?
  7. saltyfish

    Sump questions

    Thak you boomer and yes i am thinking about doing one. of course one question leads to others so. What is a refugium? Can you give me a list of parts to build one and some instruction? and if you put the heater and filters in the sump does it really go as good a job cleaning the water and...
  8. saltyfish

    Sump questions

    ok What is the benifet to a sump? If you have a 50 gal tank do you still need one? If you not have the room for a larg tank is a 29 gal with a sump a good option? What are the pros and cons to a sump? Is it tricky to use one? Is it simple to put one together? Are they costly?
  9. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    What is good or bad about a canester filter?
  10. saltyfish

    55g and strip light for sale

    I am intrested and I have emailed you Aaron
  11. saltyfish

    Building a tank

    IS it easy to build your own tank? what skills do you need? Is it cost afective?
  12. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    What is a sump? and what is it for? Is a wet/dry filter the same as a wet/dry sump? The reason I'm asking is that the wet/dry filter that I priced was less exspencive than the cilender filter that I priced. Now the clinder was rated at 100 gal and the wet /dry was up to 60 gal . So what is the...
  13. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    OK so in a 55 gal tank what is the differance between pre drilled and not pre drilled. what does that mean and what does it do ?
  14. saltyfish

    Looking for a 55 gal !!!

    I'm looking for a 55 gal or close to with what ever you might have in the way of heaters and all that stuff close to in or close to AZ. I"m new and wantingto get into saltwater my email is
  15. saltyfish

    Beginner start-up info

    Does wattage matter in a tank? If i want to go with a high wattage in a heater so i can get a biger tank in the future will it hurt any thing? Also Are wet/dry filters exsencive compared to a canester filter? Is there different types of wet/dry filters? If so what is the diferance? Aaron
  16. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    When it comes to heaters can you ever have too many watts? I know the rule is 200 per 100 gal. but if I plan on getteing a bigger tank at some point can you use a high wattage heater and be ok?
  17. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    OK I've been hearing that alot though I don't really have the room for a 55 gal or better right now. I also don't know what a deal on the price is on one of those beasts are. Care to help me with a price range? Also what is the diferance between a water pump and a power head? Is there a...
  18. saltyfish

    What is a Powerhead?

    What does it look like? Is it like a pond pump in design? I'm starting my tank for the first time and I'm looking online but I don't think I'm getting the item that I need. If you know a good websight that is cost compeditive than please point me in the right direction.
  19. saltyfish

    Help on Equipment needed

    ok so what about like a 29 gal would that be better? Is Live Rock a proper filtration or do you need a secoundary one as well. This is a Fish-Only tank here so do I need a Skimmer or can i get away with not having one?
  20. saltyfish

    Beginner start-up info

    If you use LR do you need other filtration system? I have read that LR bacisly eats the waste in the water and thus filters it and if I get un-cured LR can I cure it in a bucket for two weeks or does it have to be in the tank that i'm going to use?