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  1. seanh287

    will sallylight foot kill my fish?

    my tank is 25 gallons, i have about 30 lbs of live rock...
  2. seanh287

    Fishy Toys

    some fish like laser pointers. just make sure u dont get it in there eye
  3. seanh287

    will sallylight foot kill my fish?

    how long until he will be back after molting? its been 4 days now. once i see him i was gonna feed the tank and try and catch him then
  4. seanh287

    will sallylight foot kill my fish?

    ok, so pretty much i want it out of the tank. it molted out of its shell in the 3rd day it was in.....i havent seen him since then. about how long until he will show up and i can catch him...and is it too fast that ill end up taking my rocks out just to catch him?
  5. seanh287

    will sallylight foot kill my fish?

    i have a royal gramma that stays on the bottom all day and want to get a goby or bleeny but want to make sure my sally lightfoot dosent kill my fish. i also have 2 clownfish and 3 chromis
  6. seanh287

    Bicolor Angelfish?

    yea i just started my tank..the 2 fish guys said no for my size tank. i might get a lemonpeel angel fish. but the bicolor is beautiful
  7. seanh287

    Bicolor Angelfish?

    how big is your tank. i have a small 25 gallon, but would love to have one. ive been reading different articles that u need minimum 30-55.
  8. seanh287

    blue legged hermits and snails kill skunk shrimp?

    the other shrimp is fine. i did a temp aclimation for 15 minutes. put a 1/4 cup of water in the bag every 15 minutes for an hour...then filled the rest of the bag up. then they went in. 15 mins into being in the water snails and a crab was ontop. the guys gonna replace him but i was still...
  9. seanh287

    blue legged hermits and snails kill skunk shrimp?

    i acclaimated the 2 cleaner shrimp, then placed them into the tank. about 20 minutes later theres about 5 snails and 2 blue legged hermit crabs on him. i call the fish store and the guy said it was the weirdest thing. he said he would replace the one, but why would they do that....the tank gets...
  10. seanh287

    can i remove live rock to rearrange?

    i moved the rocks in the tank, and not i dont like how it turned out. can i take all the pieces out to arrange them out of the tank and then put them back in? i just put my clownfish in and dont want them to die
  11. seanh287

    potential fish list for 25g tank

    i bought 2 clownfish last night and love them. the guy at the fish store said he could get me a bicolor angel, but would perfer not to because they are difficult to mantain. but i want my tank to base around that. i need some bottom dwelling fish now. i was thinking the flame hawkfish, and a...
  12. seanh287

    potential fish list for 25g tank

    thes are the fish i want, can someone look them over and see if its ok. 3 chromis are already in the tank. i thought i bought a 35 gallon, but later realized it was only 25 this is going from most wanted to least wanted. 1. bicolor dwarf angel 2. 2 clownfish 3. flame hawkfish is there anything...