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  1. bragru

    How do I get my trites down?

    I can see doing water changes for nitrates, but for nitrites? I am confused. Should this be left alone to run its course? When you do water changes, doesn't it sort of defeat the purpose of the cycle?
  2. bragru

    Tiny little thread like worms?

    These things look like, by the [hr] eye, they are about 1/100th of an inch (very tiny). Looks like they are floating all over the place. But when attatched to the glass they seem to be able to move against current. Would need a micro-scope to really see them clearly. There are so many...
  3. bragru

    Tiny little thread like worms?

    There seems to be an abundance of tiny little things floating and what apears to be crawling on the glass of my tank. Aquarium is about 2 1/2 months old. What is it? Any help, please!
  4. bragru

    Someone please help!! Stringy substance

    It could be from coral but it is all over the substrate where the light can get to. Does not exist under over hangs. So it is growing from the bottom & the reef. Thanks for any help identifying.
  5. bragru

    Someone please help!! Stringy substance

    Yes to corals, little bit of zoo's & two small rocks with mushrooms. Sorry but have no way of posting pics. It looks just like floating spider webs without the geometric configurations. Like cotton candy. Sort of.
  6. bragru

    Someone please help!! Stringy substance

    Is this snail visable? Did'nt buy one. Have heard of a worm that puts out a web then draws it back in but this stuff just forms all over the substrate, than the rocks and then disapears at night. Oh, by the way, webby stuff appears after lights are on for about 4 hours not one hour. So light...
  7. bragru

    Someone please help!! Stringy substance

    I have this stringy substance that has begun to appear after lights have been on for about and hour. Every morning the stringy suff has gone what looks like completly away. Can someone please tell me what this is and how in the world can I get rid of it. Tank is 75 days old. Has cycled...
  8. bragru

    Cotton Candy?

    My tank is about sixty days in cycle. All levels excellent. Have protien skimmer, uv filter, charcoal in refugium, great lighting system, yada-yada-yada. Just started to notice a web substance that starts on my sand substrate then spreads to the reef live rock as day goes on. LFS guy says...
  9. bragru

    Looks like spider webs

    Is this what they call hair algae?
  10. bragru

    Looks like spider webs

    Lighting with Coralife Lunar Aqualite. Bulbs are whatever came with the lite.
  11. bragru

    Looks like spider webs

    Button & mushroom is what I know them as. Tank is 3 months old and has cycled. 3 cleaner shrimp, 10 hermits. All levels are 0, SG 1.025 and temp @ 76 degrees. Have my own RO/DI.
  12. bragru

    Looks like spider webs

    Just put 4 new coral in tank 3 days ago. They are a little stessed and are closed. Noticed this stringy stuff all over the reef today and it seems to be multiplying. Have a feather duster that came on live rock that is not doing to well. Noticed when I first got the feather duster about a...
  13. bragru

    Turbo Snails in new aquarium

    I will put 30 gallons into a container and add Coralife. Run a power head & heater for 24 hours. Note: Water is directly from well. Does not go thru softener or iron filter. Iron filter is treated with potasium pernanganate. Add some aragamilk at the same time I put in the Coralife last...
  14. bragru

    Turbo Snails in new aquarium

    Tank is 65 gallons. Have nothing in it but live rock, cleaner shrimp & hermit crabs. But, you think I probably will not be able to use water direct from well to mixing tank, then add salt, mix for 24 hours, then add it to sump to pump into tank because the alk. is to high? You think I should...
  15. bragru

    Turbo Snails in new aquarium

    Thanks for your replies. Getting very frustated. Have a sump tank with bio balls. UV filter. Protien skimmer. Sand substrate. Not knowledgable on lights but have a nice one with actinic, moon & whatever. Had discus fish prior for about 10 years. New to salt. Would you bring up SG with just...
  16. bragru

    Turbo Snails in new aquarium

    My sg is about 1.022 Don't know alk. Added aragamilk as suggested. Temp about 76-77 degrees. I my live rock OK? Hermits & peppermint shrimp seem fine. Tank size is 65 gallons. 18x36x24 tall
  17. bragru

    Turbo Snails and cycled tank

    Yes the tank has cycled. What is DI? Very knowledgable salt water source at local pet store. Cannot find any traces of anything he can test for (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc.) Can put in RO cheap enough (I am a plumbing contractor) but would just like to do this as simple as possible. Will...
  18. bragru

    Turbo Snails in new aquarium

    Tank has cycled. What is DI? Am I killing the live portion of my live rock? Water is treated in a 30 gallon container first before adding to tank.
  19. bragru

    Turbo Snails in new aquarium

    I am just setting up my new reef tank. All elements of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, SG, etc. are all perfect. Peppermint shrimp are fine. Hermit crabs are fine. Turbo snails seem to die within hours. Bought some coral than did not open up. Brought it back to pet store. Much quality live...