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  1. i love fish

    cross contamination

    how easy can cross contamination between 2 tanks occur, and how can it be done exactly, and what's the best way to prevent it? thank you
  2. i love fish

    big white patch on Royal Dottyback

    I purchased a Royal Dottyback 5 weeks ago which had a huge white patch on its side right after its pectoral fin. It didn't look serious so I thought I'd be able 2 treat it. Up until now the patch is still there, no better, no worse, she's still eating and acting normal, no other signs of...
  3. i love fish

    what's is my emperor doing?

    My juvinile emperor angel (Misty) which I've had 4 a yr now just all of a sudden has been spending alot of time with the skunk cleaner shrimps i have and she's letting them rip her tail and 2nd anal fin to pieces. I know it's them not another fish coz i actually witnessed them doing it. Then...
  4. i love fish

    shy fish and starving to death.

    1 month ago I purchased a blue streaked gobby and a midas blenny and put them both in QT. They r both healthy but I have 1 problem.... they will not come out at all, they r constantly hiding under the decor and won't even come out to eat. I have seen the midas blenny come out quickly, snatch...
  5. i love fish

    what's wrong with my shrimps?

    I have had 2 skunk cleaner shrimps for 6 months now in my FOWLR system which is 95g. Water perametres are as follows: ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrates 10-25 ppm, temperature 80 degrees, Kh 6, pH 8.2. I have 1 blue legged hermit crab, emperor angel, foxface , 2 clowns, fire gobby, regal tang...
  6. i love fish

    quick question about marine velvet

    ok, so if a fish has previously had a bad reaction 2 copper, what kind of medication can u use 2 treat velvet?
  7. i love fish

    quick question about marine velvet

    since hypo cures only ich, and not velvet, how to u treat a fish with velvet if it is sensitive 2 copper? I know 4 a fact that my emperor angel is sensitive 2 copper and i keep dredding that 1 day she may develop velvet, so if she does, what are my treatment options? thank you
  8. i love fish

    mixed parasites

    I read an article that says that if u mix fish from different oceans (ie- Pacific ocean and Indian ocean etc) that u risk the chance of exposing those fish 2 parasites they don't find in their part of the world. Does anybody have any experience with this or know as to whether or not it is...
  9. i love fish

    Nori and water chemistry question

    I just recently found out off some hobyists from this message board that flake and pellet foods release phosphates in2 the water and i was just wondering if nori does the same? also, if u leave it in the DT all day, would it make the ammonia or nitrite go up especially if any of it falls under...
  10. i love fish

    ghost crabs

    r ghost crabs safe with fish, shrimps and hermit crabs? thank you
  11. i love fish

    Kh problem

    Does Kh really matter in a fish only system with afew hermit crabs and shrimps, so long as the PH is fine? Just wondering?
  12. i love fish

    fish flashing

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight When you moved the Hippo to QT, were there other fish still in the tank? If so, you're shooting yourself in the foot. All of the fish have to be removed, and the tank remain empty of fish (corals, shrimp, crabs, are fine in there) for a minimum of 6-7 weeks. If...
  13. i love fish

    Nitrates and Phosphates gone up

    I switched over to frozen foods (frozen mixed seafood cocktail and also mysis shrimps) and I also started feeding nori and quit the flakes and pellets altogether. I cleaned out the filter and filter media, put the phosphate remover in the filter and did a 25 % water change. unfortunately, for...
  14. i love fish

    fish flashing

    No i'm not feeding algae sheets but I will be once the grocery restocks their shelves, I've been trying 2 get my hands on some 4 weeks now. I do have alot of diatoms and green algae growing on the LR and the hippo grazes on them all day long non stop. will that be sufficient for the time being...
  15. i love fish

    Nitrates and Phosphates gone up

    thanks 4 that, very informative
  16. i love fish

    Kh problem

    since i set up my DT over a year ago,i never tested the Kh, only the Ph. Just last week I got a Kh test kit and tested the DT water and it was 6. I also tested my source water 2 c if the problem came from there and the Kh of the source water was 3, so then I went on to test a batch of aged SW...
  17. i love fish

    Nitrates and Phosphates gone up

    thanks, I'll do that, although the frozen foods thing is abit of a problem here, I'll have 2 make my own coz they don't sell the stuff in the LFS in this part of the world. Do u hv any suggestions as 2 what kind of fresh/frozen fish i should get to mince up in the food processer and feed to...
  18. i love fish

    Nitrates and Phosphates gone up

    Originally Posted by socal57che Do you have areas of low flow where food and waste could be collecting and decaying? Barnacles are notorious for becoming nitrate factories. Do you, by chance, use a canister filter? Also, what do you feed and how often? The water flow is fine, and if there...
  19. i love fish

    fish flashing

    I have had my 2 inch hippo tang (Dory) for nearly 3 months now, I had her in QT for about 6 or 7 weeks coz I saw her flashing so I performed hypo (in hypo 3 wks) on her even though there were no actual signs of ich (just 2 b safe). She's now been in the DT for nearly 1 month now and about 2 or 3...
  20. i love fish

    Did my shrimp have a bad molt?

    what about the shorter antenaes, is this bad? he molts about 2 times per month, I've had him for 3 or 4 months and this is the first time his antenaes have come out of the molt shorter. any ideas?