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  1. dave flood

    Lets See Your 125+ Gallon Reefs Pics Wanted :D

    Naso & PBT get along great ! :happyfish :happyfish
  2. dave flood

    Lets See Your 125+ Gallon Reefs Pics Wanted :D

    Usually they change color when they get scared. Yes that is a PBT. I feed them a lot of different foods, mostly formula 2 and seeweed selects. they have been doing dreat for a couple of yrs. Ill most likly be getting a visit from the tang police. :hilarious
  3. dave flood

    Lets See Your 125+ Gallon Reefs Pics Wanted :D

    left side of 125
  4. dave flood


    Motel Hell
  5. dave flood


    fishy game
  6. dave flood

    Info on the Powder Blue tang

    Ive had no problems with my pbt ,he was in 75 now in 125 I think ive had him 2 yrs. Just have LR for him to graze onand do regular maintenance and feed good quality food 2 or 3 times a day small amounts.
  7. dave flood


    Got ya beat Lisa. The last concert I went to was Moody blues in 1980. Concerts don't sound nearly as good as albums, oops cd's :D
  8. dave flood

    best TV show of all time...might be easier than the movie thread!

    Lassie, Andy Griffith Show Ed Sullivan Show Mission Impossible
  9. dave flood

    Best movie of all time??

    Gone with the wind Forrest Gump Green mile Schindlers List
  10. dave flood

    Video and picture editing software.

    Yep Photo Shop Elements :happy:
  11. dave flood

    If you had it to do over, what would you be?

    Id have to go with ---- Star. he he he:happy: :cheer:
  12. dave flood

    What about this hobby pisses you off?

    I agree with saltysyd LFS employees grrrrrrrr
  13. dave flood

    new addition: maroon clown

    Nice pic. nice color.I have one that loves my condy that was about 1' around, but I moved him to the corner of tank (I thought was away from power head) he got sucked up half way in power head ,now hes doing well at 4" around and maroon clown still loves him
  14. dave flood

    Captured Mantis Pic

    Ya got the little bastage Nice pic
  15. dave flood

    Fish eating video help!!

    He must be eating something in there hes alive for 7 days :happy:
  16. dave flood

    playing w/my photo program and I discovered something...

    I have Photoshop elemants, it works great! :happy:
  17. dave flood

    XXL Hermit Crab

    Yep , he's not reef safe
  18. dave flood

    OT: Anyone from Wisconsin???

    Im from Plainfield, near stevenspoint. Nothin good around here. :mad:
  19. dave flood


    Does anyone use UPS from puter store for power outage. If so what size would I need for 125 tank ?:notsure:
  20. dave flood

    Best Powerheads

    I use 2, 1140 penguin powerheads on my 125 tank