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  1. r3dc4t

    herrmit crab

    From what I have learned about hermit crabs when i had them as a kid, they ate the exoskeleton. I assume it doesn't matter that the ones i had were not water hermit crabs.
  2. r3dc4t

    Your opinions...

    thanks for the fast reply, I know i made a mistake of rushing. I can't post any numbers though, all my test equipment is just the strips you stick in and wait 30-60 seconds except for the hydrometer of course, which is at 1.021. The strip samples have been stable since i corrected the salinity...
  3. r3dc4t

    Your opinions...

    I have a 20g tall tank running for about 3 months with a 50 Natural Daylight/50 Actinic light setup, 3 damsels (don't know the types, but one is like a skyblue, one is black and white stripes, and one is blue/purple with a yellow tail), currently unknown amount of hermit crabs and snails due to...