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  1. acez28


    well if you think about it. Just picture a King Size waterbed. Im pretty sure its heavier than a 125 gal tank with 130lbs of LR and 150lbs of Sand.
  2. acez28

    Green Bubbles

    i didnt know LFS sells the bubble algae
  3. acez28

    Air Stones in the SW tank

    i posted a question similar to this a while ago. I just figured to use my return pump to do it. I bought this centipede type thingamabob to add to the end of my return hose and aimed it right at the water surface and it makes the whole tank ripple.
  4. acez28

    LR pics

    it happened to me that way to. One day nothing and then i look closer and its about 10 anemones. I dont know if they are Apastia(sp?) or not but one has a pink bottom so i think its some kind of condi. A Sponge came up out of no where too.
  5. acez28

    How does this sound?

    its not worth anything.....u shouldnt even take it. So whats the address to pick it up?
  6. acez28

    new life

    The crab in the rock doesnt look similar to this does it
  7. acez28

    Brown growth

    well from what most say on here.....water changes with RO/DI water about once a week will help it. Have you made any changes to the tank and what are your params?
  8. acez28

    Starfish in FO?

    i had a chocolate chip starfish too. But i dont have anything good to say about them. Well it was very animated but it kept eating my condi anemones. I had to get rid of it but its a nice addition to the tank if you have no anemones
  9. acez28


    I have a 100gal FOWLR tank that i am in the process of cycling. My questions is what size powerhead i need. My tank is in more of a square than a rectangle. The measurements are 2' deep and 3' wide. I have a RIO 1700 and a RIO 2100. I already figured the RIO 2100 was too stong because my...
  10. acez28 my emerald crab is eating my shrooms

    my coral banded shrimp cleans his tail....and antennae
  11. acez28

    Fish in Jeopardy?

    dont know too much about honeycomb puffers.....but my porcupine puffer use to sit on the rocks most of the time. The color changin didnt happen tho. But i wouldnt be that worried ...most of the time when ammonia is bothering a fish the fish starts to swim back and forth very rapidly. They...
  12. acez28

    Is this a good price for a glass tank

    i would say thats a good price for a woodstand but not with a metal stand....
  13. acez28

    freshwater cycle?

    well i never had Discus.....Only Plecos, a few oscars, a few Jack Dempseys, a few convicts, And one Red Devil from hell that i had to get rid of.
  14. acez28

    freshwater cycle?

    maybe they do cycle...... I have been keeping FW tanks for about 15 years. I have 3 plecos that are about 9yo. I guess if they do cycle it just doesnt kill the fish. I dunno but i wouldnt worry about it......
  15. acez28

    kids and tanks

    i got spanked when i was a child will get spanked also. It worked for me and it will work for her.
  16. acez28

    freshwater cycle?

    since no one else
  17. acez28

    Levels havent changed

    yeah mine didnt move for about week and a half till after i added some leftover Krill i had. Then the very next day my ammonia started to rise. I havent check everything else yet...........
  18. acez28

    little spermys on my glass

    If they are in little spirals then they are a good thing.
  19. acez28

    Moving a tank

    If you come in a thread and dont read what the person who started the thread wrote then whats the purpose? yeah thats the way to prove me wrong............
  20. acez28

    Moving a tank

    I am speakin of what i know of....the thread was about a 30gal. I have a 29 gal that i moved. I too have a 100gal....and you right i wouldnt suggest moving that with water or rock or sand or anything else in it. Not only because of breaking the seals....but the tank without anything in it...