Search results

  1. stryder

    Anyone want to buy my new complete tank?

    Hey just want to say that I'm glad your standing up and going to take care of your girlfriend and baby, it's way more than some guys would do. My best wishes to you both. Stryder:D
  2. stryder

    What Happened?!?

    Okie dokie, here's the deal. On Wednesday I got a purple firefish, he was pretty small but none the less he was doing really well. Within a couple hours of him being in the tank he came out and even started eatting. Thursday and Friday he did the same thing, eatting and swimming even going in...
  3. stryder

    OT: Anyone from Wisconsin???

    I'm from Fond Du Lac WI. I have a bunch of LFS around me. I go to Pet Stuff in West Bend,, good prices, but sometimes the fish don't look the greatest. I also go up to Oshkosh which is about 30min away two good stores there are Aquarium Pets and The Fish Bowl, they are alittle more pricey but...
  4. stryder

    A couple ??? about my cycling tank

    Hey all My tank has been up and running now since Monday and had the live rock in since Wednesday. Everything seems to be going very well. My water tests show my ammonia peeked for two days now is starting to go back down. My Nitrites are now peeking and the nitrates are at 10,(after going up...
  5. stryder

    It's up and running!

    Yep, I finally have my tank up andrunning. It wasa bit cloudy at first but seems to be going away fairly fast. My spe. gravity is between 1.020 and 1.021, is this a good level? Thanks you guys for all your help! Stryder:hilarious
  6. stryder


    Awww, how cute! We have two dogs, Black Lab/German Shepherd cross and a rat terrier, we also have a kitty. :joy: Stryder:hilarious
  7. stryder

    Sand/crushed coral question

    Okay, I'm just about to get y tank up and running, I was going to put CC in, but do you all prefer sand, even just the stuff from Home Depot? Let me know and maybe I can take back the CC. Stryder:hilarious
  8. stryder

    Does anyone know?

    Hey all Does anyone know if FedEx ships on Saturday. I want to order something from here, and it would be best if it came on Saturday, but if they don't then I'll just have to work something out! Thanks alot! Stryder:hilarious
  9. stryder

    Everything must go... selling both tanks and all equipment

    I was wondering if you had any live rock left? (I also sent you an e-mail) Stryder:hilarious
  10. stryder

    what is "wish list"

    Hello all! Okay, when you go to order something on this website and the little button says "wish list", what does that mean? Do they not have it in stock or what? Thanks! Stryder:hilarious
  11. stryder

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you all have a great holiday! Stryder:)
  12. stryder

    Corals for sale local chicago millwakee area

    Alrighty, I don't have much because I'm just starting so thought it'd be nice to get some free decorations. How much do you have? I only have a fifty five gal. If you post a list I'll tell you what I'd want! Thanks! Stryder:)
  13. stryder

    Corals for sale local chicago millwakee area

    Still have those decorations? And if so what do ya have? Thanks! Stryder:)
  14. stryder

    LR from here any good?

    Hey All, I was looking into LR and I seen that they have a good price on this website. Does anyone know if it's good stuff? And if I would get LR through the mail do I have to do anything different to it than I would if I bought it at the LFS? Thanks! Stryer:)
  15. stryder

    Quick Question?

    This may be a dumb question, but do you have to do a water change when your tank has cycled? Or do you just start putting fish in when it has cycled? Stryder:)
  16. stryder

    Sea shells

    Hey All, I just got back from a trip to Texas, and while I was down there I went to Galveston Island (very beautiful I might add!) and found a few really cool shells on the beach. Now I was wondering if I can clean them up some how and put them in my tank. And if so how do I go about it. My...
  17. stryder

    Damels first?

    Hi All! Okay, here's a question for ya. I'm slowly buying all the things for my 55 gal tank at the time. But the question I have has to do with my fish I'm going to put in it. I was planing on having, a yellow tail blue damsel, a three spot damsel, and three green chromis' among other fish, to...
  18. stryder

    Filters, skimmers,??

    Hey All, Okay, I see ya'll talking about filters and skimmers and what not! So here is my question, I'm doing a 55gallon FOWLR, but I may put in interveribres someday. I am going for a canister filter and no skimmer. what is your guys opinion? And if you did only have a skimmer, were would you...
  19. stryder

    Tap water filter?

    I was wondering if I need a tap water filter, I live out in the country so we get water from our well, it is softened but the salt is filtered down to 1um. Thanks! Stryder:)
  20. stryder

    Sick fish and live rock?

    I was wondering about having live rock in my tank when one of my fish get sick. Can I just treat the whole tank, or not? I don't really have the money to go with a hospital tank as of now, so what are your ideas? Also if I do get live rock, when I am I maturing my tank do I but my live rock in...