Search results

  1. stryder


    I would like to get an anenome(sp?) for my two percula clowns, what would a good one be and what are the requirements for it? Lighting, water quality and such. Thanks!! Stryder:joy:
  2. stryder

    what should i use for a cleaning crew

    If your tank is cycled and all is well then you can add the clean-up crew right now. I have 45lbs of live rock and cc and I had tons of orange yucky algae. I got some margarita snails and they worked great they are not too big and fun to watch. I have 6 in my 55 gal. I also have 2 blue legged...
  3. stryder

    Why do Fish Spit Food Out Sometimes

    Same here, my clowns will spit and bite big pieces until they are small enough for them. Stryder:joy:
  4. stryder

    Cleaner shrimp need a pal?

    Hey all, I have had a cleaner shrimp for about a month now and he was doing really well. He loved to feed from my hand and was pretty active. But lately he has been hiding and does not want to feed from my hand or even eat alot. He is coming out a bit more but he is just not himself. He did molt...
  5. stryder

    What's up with my cleaner shrimp?

    Hey all, I have had a cleaner shrimp for about a month now and he was doing really good, very active and loved feeding off my hand. But as of late he won't feed off my hand and hides alot. He is starting to come out a bit more but is still not feeding from my hand anymore. He's just not himself...
  6. stryder

    Bush's Policies Ruined My Life

    Sandman, I was thinking the same thing Stryder
  7. stryder

    What is my clown doing?

    I got a purple firefish the other day and my bigger clown fish would swim above him and turn sideways. Then he started doing this vibrating thing. Does anyone know if this means anything? Thanks! Stryder:yes:
  8. stryder

    What is everyone's career?

    I just got my dream job, working on a horse farm that breeds Quarter Horses! Whooo Hoo!:jumping: Stryder:joy:
  9. stryder

    Do you like your Royal Gramma?

    Will a yellow tang get to big for a 55? I really like them also. I have alot of swimming room. I have 45lbs of live rock but have it set up where it leaves a ton of swimming space. Just wondering:) Stryder
  10. stryder

    Do you like your Royal Gramma?

    I have a 55 gallon. Stryder
  11. stryder

    Going reef?

    I was thinking about putting some corals in my 55. Now, will I need any speical salts? I use InstantOcean. And what wattage lights should I use? (Any other tid-bits will be helpful) :) Thanks! Stryder
  12. stryder

    Advise, I need color!!

    How does your yellow tang do in a 55? I have a 55 also and I love yellow tangs, but thought that my tank was too small. Stryder:jumping:
  13. stryder

    just starting

    I like firefish alot, I think they are so pretty. They are very peaceful, but you have to be careful because they are jumpers. I personally like the purple firefish best:) A good way to find out about a fish youlike is to type the fish name into a search engine,(yahoo, goggle etc.) and a ton of...
  14. stryder

    Do you like your Royal Gramma?

    I am thinking about getting a royal Gramma and was wonder if those of you who have them think they are a neat fish. It would be in a tank with two clowns, a purple firefish, and a flame angel, (I am hopefully going to get the firefish Wednesday and the angel would be added later, after the...
  15. stryder

    New companion

    I have a 55gal. tank and right now I have two clownfiah and two green chromis (along w a shrimp and such) but the green chromis and the clownfish are not getting along too well :mad: Tempers are flaring. Any how I was thinking of moving the two chromis to a another tank and getting something...
  16. stryder

    Poor green chromis

    I just bought three green chromis yesterday and all were doing well, eatting swimming and the like. (I only have two clownfish otherwise and they are very nice fishys) But this evening one seemed to have lost some scales on his tail and was in a daze not wanting to eat. he now looks like he is...
  17. stryder

    Chromis die easily?

    I just got three green chromis yesterday, they all seemed to be doing well, (one hid for a bit but came out this morning), they were all eatting and swimming around with my clownfish. It was the same this morning and afternoon. But I noticed this evening that one was suddenly hiding and had a...
  18. stryder

    Green Chromis

    I'm thinking about getting three green chromis tomorrow, but then later down the road I would like to get a purple firefish. Will the green chromis pick on the firefish if he is added after them?? Stryder
  19. stryder

    Dead firefish

    I just bought a purple firefish on Wednesday and he was doing great, eatting swimming and everything. On Friday evening he went under his rock for the night and I didn't see him all day Saturday or today so I lifted up the rock and there he was dead. Does anyone one know what could have...
  20. stryder

    what does a clownfish need??

    I have two perculas, I added them both at the same time and they barley leave each other side. They shouldn't need anything special, mine don't even go in my rock work they just like to swim out in the open. Good luck!! Stryder:joy: