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  1. mp32

    where to place torch coral

    I just bought a torch coral the other day, and I was trying to figure out where to put it. I have T-5 lighting, and was wondering if I should put it high up, or on, or near the ground? Thanks in advance.
  2. mp32

    wave maker question

    I was wanting to get a wave maker, and I was looking at the Red Sea Wave Maker with soft start. Does anyone know if this is any good? I was also wondering if I can use it with my Hydor Koralia 4's. I want to make sure it will not ruin them. Thanks in advance
  3. mp32

    serpent star and maxima clam

    I was wondering if I should worry about my serpent star will go after my maxima clam, had seen something about star fish and clams that made me kind of worried.
  4. mp32

    parameter question

    I checked my parameters yesterday and all seems well, but my concerns are calcium. My calcium is at 380, now I know that it is not low...but I have a Maxima, torch, bubble algae and some plate corals. Now I was told that my calcium should be between 400 and 450 especially for the clam, and they...
  5. mp32

    clam placement question

    Does a Maxima clam need to be placed on a rock or is it O.K. to keep it in the sand?
  6. mp32

    2 questions

    1st question: Is it normal for a hippo tang to pick on coral? Unfortunately I keep seeing mine do this. Second question: I am looking at expanding my fish stock. I have a 180. My current list of fish are: 1 powder brown tang 1 hippo tang 2 clown fish 7 blue green chromis 1 purple firefish 1...
  7. mp32

    brown slime on torch

    Well as you can see I have some brown slime on my torch and one of the heads is gone what is it and what can I do, and can it spread to my pearl bubble and other coral?
  8. mp32

    purple firefish question

    I just put a purple firefish and a red firefish in my tank the other day, the red is out and eating away, I have not seen the purple anywhere since he went in. my tank is covered so I know he did not jump out. Do they normaly hide like this?
  9. mp32

    quarantine tank question

    I am setting up my QT this week with water that I am removing from my display tank, I also have had the filter pad for it floating in my fuge. So my question is this...If I am doing all of this and I am going to put some live rock from the display tank in there also, do I still need to cycle it...
  10. mp32

    My first additions

    Well I finally have some stock, I have had them for a week now and I have some pics so here they are... These are my clowns, one of their parents is black and the other orange so they may change to black when they get older. http://[/IMG] This is my orange diamond sleeper he finally came out...
  11. mp32

    serpent star question

    I added a serpent star today, and when I looked at him in the bag he had a pink intestine looking thing comming out of his mouth. I figured it was a defense thing like pushing out his innards but just want to make sure.
  12. mp32

    A few questions

    I have added my first fish on Sunday, 2 small clowns, and an orange spotted sleeper goby. So far all is well and the clowns have been eating just for the goby I am not sure, he has built a fortress under my live rock and remains hidden. My daughter caught a quick glimps of him so I...
  13. mp32

    diatom, or brown hair algae?

    I added about 20lbs of live rock to my tank and it started cycling. I am getting a brown algae growth and it looks like small stringy threads comming out of it. It is on the sand, and the rock, and it is spreading everywhere. I know diatoms are normal for a cycle but do they have the stringy...
  14. mp32

    need help from the cycle gurus

    I set my tank up 2 weeks ago today,It is a 180, I used 200lbs dead base rock, and 180lbs of aragonite and 80lbs of that is aragalive sand. I do not have any live rock at the moment. I used 2 raw shrimp to start my cycle. I monitored daily and my ammonia spiked to .5 then my nitrites went to .25...
  15. mp32

    floridajoe,scopus, and any other fuge guru, help!!

    I have an interesting fuge delima, that is why I called for you guys. I was reading your fuge build you were both working on and figured you guys would like another challenge so here it is: my uncle took my 55 and converted it into a sump/fuge problem is it is his first time building the fuge...
  16. mp32

    mp's 180 reef build

    Well I finally put some pics together. This is a 180 room divider it is split between a sunk in living room and a new family room. It is still not finished, we need to put the front covering on the stand and the hood, we have to leave the top open enough for the aircondition flow so that is what...
  17. mp32

    initial cuc list would like opinions

    Well I am putting together a list of what I would like for my initial CUC. I was going to use hermits but decided against it because of well, all the bad feed back on them. This is for a 180 around 200 pounds of dead base rock. I do not want to overkill my CUC so they do not starve to death so I...
  18. mp32

    coraline algae

    Just a curious question, If I have enough base rock already and decide not to buy any live rock, is there anyway to grow the purple coraline on the base rock without using live rock? Just wondering.
  19. mp32

    Cycle has begun!!!!

    I started my cycle on Monday and checked ammonia today and it was .5 I was expecting a week or more, I am using 2 shrimp no live rock,only base, 180 pounds of sand, half of it is cultured live sand. I checked readings twice and they both showed the same (different tubes) should I take the...
  20. mp32

    cycle question

    I just put my shrimp in yesterday to start my cycle, I have 180lbs of sand half of it is cultured live sand, I do not have any live rock I only have 200lbs of dead base rock. I just want to make sure when I should start testing for the start of the cycle, and if I should check daily and how big...