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  1. michael_ingram

    how good is this ????

    Jeremy, i sent you an e-mail can you e-mail me back at :D
  2. michael_ingram

    how good is this ????

    would it be ok for my live rock and etc.......
  3. michael_ingram

    how good is this ????

    would this be ok?????? CORALIFE 48" DOUBLE AQUALIGHT DOUBLE LINEAR STRIP 48" X 7.25" X 2.5" FOUR 65 WATT BULBS (260 WATTS TOTAL) - 50/50 (Actinic/10,000K) :confused:
  4. michael_ingram

    question about anemones???

    How can you tell if it’s a male or female????:eek:
  5. michael_ingram

    question about anemones???

    thanks so much michael :p
  6. michael_ingram

    question about anemones???

    i would like to know if anemones mate ???? thanks michael :confused:
  7. michael_ingram

    Is This Good Or Not ????

    thanks so much michael:)
  8. michael_ingram

    pics of ur fav. fish in ur tank

    he is so cute
  9. michael_ingram

    Is This Good Or Not ????

    my tank is 75gal
  10. michael_ingram

    Is This Good Or Not ????

    i have bought Fluval Multi-stage Filters 304 i would like to know if this is ok ????
  11. michael_ingram

    water test help

    if you could read the first thread it was about me saying that im new to this and i had my tanks up and runing for 8 weeks.. and the other thread was when i tested my water so ????
  12. michael_ingram

    i'm new to this

    thanks to all:p
  13. michael_ingram

    water test help

    more pics
  14. michael_ingram

    water test help

    maybe this will help who knows
  15. michael_ingram

    water test help

    claw you think that my fish will be dead???
  16. michael_ingram

    water test help

    the pet store will not take back the fish so what do i do KNOW???
  17. michael_ingram

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    she is soooooo cute :)
  18. michael_ingram

    water test help

    no i did not
  19. michael_ingram

    water test help

    Nitrate NO3= 20 Nitrate NO2= 0.25 Ammonia NH3/NH+4 = 8.0 High Range PH= 8.2 WHAT NOW :(
  20. michael_ingram

    water test help

    before i had the fish in the tank the water was good.... and yes i used tap water becuae my REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS should be here by friday i hope :confused: