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  1. ca_carson31

    glass thickness

    Thanks for the info.....I believe mine is at least that.....Thanks again.... Chris
  2. ca_carson31

    glass thickness

    sorry....I forgot this will be a FOWLRLS
  3. ca_carson31

    glass thickness

    I have an approximately 55gal glass tank that I had made in the philippines.....before I start building my tank up to start my cycle I was wondering if someone has any knowledge on how thick the glass should be? thanks for your help..... Chris
  4. ca_carson31

    Tank size question

    Thanks for all the help!!!!!! Chris
  5. ca_carson31

    Tank size question

    I was wondering if anyone knows how to measure the actual gallon capacity of a tank without using buckets to fill. There has to be a formula to use. I have a tank that I believe to be a 55gal but I am not completely sure. I had the tank made in the philippines and I was told that the tank...
  6. ca_carson31

    Filter question

    Thanks for the help.......I appreciate any that is given!!!!! Cant wait to get my equipment and start setting up my tank!!!!! Thanks for the Help Chris
  7. ca_carson31

    Filter question

    when you say a good sand bed......3"- 5" is that good enough? what skimmers would you suggest?
  8. ca_carson31

    Filter question

    so does that basically do the same thing as a protien skimmer?
  9. ca_carson31

    Filter question

    I need some advice.....I am a beginner here and was wondering if anyone can lend me their expertise on filters.....I have heard conflicting information on this......I have a 55 gal tank and I want to do a FOWLRLS. I have heard that if I use the suggested amount to LR and LS (about 1.5lbs per...
  10. ca_carson31

    more q's on equipment.....

    Originally posted by stumpdog It depends. If you will be using lots of LS and LR you may not need a filter. The sand and rock do that job, from what I have ready. HTH Jeremy what you are saying that if I put the recommended LS and LR (which I have heard is 1.5lbs per gallon) then...
  11. ca_carson31

    more q's on equipment.....

    thanks for the info......can anyone tell me what they think of the penguin 300 bio wheel? I have seen these in the past and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on these..... Thanks..... Chris
  12. ca_carson31

    q for nmreef......

    I will be moving to albuquerque in Nov.......can you recommend any lfs to me...... any help that you have in this matter would be greatly appreciated.... thanks CHris
  13. ca_carson31

    lfs in albuquerque area

    Can any1 suggest a good and reliable lfs in the Albuquerque area? Thanks....Chris
  14. ca_carson31

    more q's on equipment.....

    ok......the sump/refugium looks a bit difficult for my experience....what bio wheel or wet dry would anyone suggest? Also the same for a protein skimmer and power heads.....I have a 55 gal tank and plan on doing FOWLRLS......Please help I am about to start making my purchases and I want to get...
  15. ca_carson31

    looking for the right equipment

    and powerheads.....
  16. ca_carson31

    looking for the right equipment

    Thanks for the info......what type of wet/dry filter and skimmer would any of you recommend?
  17. ca_carson31

    looking for the right equipment

    I am totally new to sw tanks and I want to be sure that I get the right equipment. I have a 55 gal tank and want a FOWLRLS. I was wondering if I need to have a filter......if so what type is the best.....I know I need a protein skimmer and lights but I am not sure what I will need...I want to...