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  1. bzolnowski

    cotton like substance on new butterfly

    hello, i have a new butterfly and angel in a 28 gallon hypo. they have been in for about four days. the butterfly has a small cotton like substance on his back fin. he seems to be doing well but mostly eating only black worms. any idea what it is?
  2. bzolnowski

    hypo to treat ick!

    hello, i just hit my 48 hour hypo mark for treating ick. my question is how long will it take to start to see progress in the fish? also, is it best to leave it at this lever for 3 or 4 weeks, which one is best? thanks, brian.
  3. bzolnowski

    blue koran angel ?

    he likes krill, brine, pellets, spirulina in flake form as well as frozen. he has bene eating great. i am assuing then its from whatever he had wrong with him to get cloudy eyes. i guess i will keep an eye on him since i was pretty sure he is too small to be changing stages already. thanks for...
  4. bzolnowski

    blue koran angel ?

    i have a blue koran angel that is about 2 1/2 inches long. i have had him since july. he had a very good coloring to him until recently when he became to dull out. he did have some cloudy eye issues which started a few weeks back but seems to be getting better. is it that or the fact that he is...
  5. bzolnowski

    red cystalline algae

    thanks elf, it seems as though we are talking about the same stuff. i remember the other red algae, from what i remember, that stuff is a lot lighter then the coralline. thanks again. brian.
  6. bzolnowski

    red cystalline algae

    thanks for the input guys. i was just very surprised as its a beautiful deep deep red algae on the rocks. i keep it off the glass. does anyone else have this deep red color algae?
  7. bzolnowski

    red cystalline algae

    so it is a good idea to just let it spread and grow where it wants?
  8. bzolnowski

    red cystalline algae

    hello, i have a question, i have a 75 gallon tank set up for six months now with perfect numbers. i have a lot of deep red crystalline algae growing on my live rock, about 1/3 of it is covered. my question is, it looks beautiful but is this a good thing or bad? i cant find this information...
  9. bzolnowski

    currently treating ick with formalin 3

    thanks beth, my whole problem is not being able to qt, i just dont have the space. i appreciate your help. i really hope i dont lose everything. i stopped the formalin tonight.
  10. bzolnowski

    currently treating ick with formalin 3

    i have been treating for ick on 3 out of 10 fish for the past 15 days. i have still light spots on my blue tang as well as puffer. they are better then they were. they have ligthened up on some days and then they seem to come back. i have been treating with formalin 3 and plan to use it for a...
  11. bzolnowski

    ick treatment help?

    i have a 75 gallon tank, 9 fish, live rock, live sand, crabs, and two shrimp. i lost the starfish today after my second day of dosing formalin 3 after seeing ick beginning on three fish three days ago. i already see the spots getting better. my question is this, the bottle says use until better...
  12. bzolnowski

    ick treatment help?

    i have a 75 gallon tank, 9 fish, live rock, live sand, crabs, and two shrimp. i lost the starfish today after my second day of dosing formalin 3 after seeing ick beginning on three fish three days ago. i already see the spots getting better. my question is this, the bottle says use until better...
  13. bzolnowski

    anenome dying?????

    how do you know if a bubble tip anenome is dying?
  14. bzolnowski

    feeding bubble tip?

    thanks a lot! brian.
  15. bzolnowski

    feeding bubble tip?

    what do people feed bubble tip anemones? how often? thanks!
  16. bzolnowski

    bubble tip with clown ?

    thanks for the advice, how much exposure do they need to the lighting. my point is, if its at the bottom and not 100% of it is getting light, is that ok? thanks.
  17. bzolnowski

    bubble tip with clown ?

    does he always stick his foot in a hole or is it ok for him to just stick to a rock? my bubble tip seems happy where he is but his foot is only stuck, not put into a rock, is this ok?
  18. bzolnowski

    bubble tip with clown ?

    will i hurt him if i move him? what is the best way, he is stuck to his new rock!
  19. bzolnowski

    bubble tip with clown ?

    i put a bubble tip a in with a clown yesterday, they are doing great. when i bought the bubbletip, he came with a rock he was buried in. after about two hours in the tank, he moved to a better spot to his liking. its on the live sand while buried his tail next to a rock with it sliding under it...
  20. bzolnowski

    carbon plus sponge filter ?

    i have a small 18 gallon nano tank that i just cycled. is it necessary to run the sponge and carbon in my filter, it has both as options. i have left both in while cycling but as i begin to add things, should i just stick with one, the other, or both? thanks, brian.