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  1. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    thank you very much mike, would this problem also cause the nitrites to be up as well? your help is very much appreciated.
  2. bzolnowski

    live rock white spot areas ?????

    i have not checked to see if its hard or soft, is what you mentioned a good thing or bad?
  3. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    its tap water that is treated. i will make sure from this point forward, i use ro or distilled. why would my nitrites still be so high though?
  4. bzolnowski

    live rock white spot areas ?????

    i have a question in regards to live rock and white patches on it. i have had it in the tank for about two months now. i am trying to put two and two together. my numbers are out of control, nitrites and nitrates and am curious if i have die off or something on my live rock, any thoughts?
  5. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    i have about 35 pounds of live rock, live sand, wet/dry, and a protein skimmer. i treat the top off water and feed twice a day, either flake of frozen as well as live black worms for my butterfly. i have two medium size fish and 8 small. i was cycled and now i just cant get the numbers down...
  6. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    i have a 75 gallon hex in which has been set up for four months. i just cant get my numbers down. i am good on amon but my nitrites and nitrates and too high. i just did a 15 gallon water change and that isnt even helping, any thoughts on my problem?
  7. bzolnowski

    biofilter overload

    i will get up to date readings of all the levels tonigth. i have not brought the water anywhere else to date. i will do that, good idea.
  8. bzolnowski

    biofilter overload

    i have about 35 pounds of live rock. my sand bed is about 1 to 2 inches. i have a protein skimmer and sump below the tank inside. i would like to get some damsels out but to be honest, i have tried many things and haven given up, they are a nightmare to get out. i think if i could get two out...
  9. bzolnowski

    biofilter overload

    its a 75 gallon hexagon with live rock, live sand, and wet/dry. the tank is about four months old. the fish are doing great, i just need to get my numbers stable. remember, 8 of the 10 fish are very small! only two are a decent size. in regards to waterflow, i have added a powerhead at the...
  10. bzolnowski

    biofilter overload

    i have a tank that has been set up for 3 plus months. i have the following in addition to a cleanup crew: 2 clowns 5 damsels 1 longnose butterfly 1 koran angel 1 unknown exactually i have issues with keep the nitrite stabalized. the ammonia is fine but the nitrite keeps going up and does not...
  11. bzolnowski

    75 hexagon lighting recommendation?

    not really a bad idea, i am curious how much heat they put out. my current lights put out enough already. i guess i will add the fan you mentioned, it can only help. thanks for the good advise.
  12. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    thanks a, no problem, i am just trying to buy the correct lighting that will take care of me for whever i end up, right now its fish only and actually might just stay that way.
  13. bzolnowski

    75 hexagon lighting recommendation?

    if i went with the 400, two questions, would it heat up too much? i have one fan in there already due to heat. also, if i go fish only, would 400 be overkill or be ok and just not be necessary? i dont mind spending the money to make it look quality! thanks, brian.
  14. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    will the 250 provide me enough if i want to put some corals, anemones, etc in there? thanks, brian.
  15. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    thanks a!
  16. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    sorry, i didnt even realize that, i just copied the auction to see what you guys thought, i dont want to make a bad decision with my ligthing.
  17. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    i will buy another fan, the lighting will have to be installed on the canopy. what do you think about this auction on ----? The auction is for a Bran new 2 175w mogul base metal halide retrofit. This is a complete retro no wiring required . Screw in the bulbs and mount the reflector plug the...
  18. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    i have one fan already, its an icecap, i dont know how much it helps, i thought i would see a better response with it. would i need to add another when i go with the mh kits?
  19. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    can i hurt myself by going with more wattage, 2 175's as you mentioned before. they say 4 watts per gallong so i would be a little over, what do you think? thanks, brian.
  20. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    thank you so much, yes i did know that, i think that might be one of my problems, at least its not helping me!