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  1. bzolnowski

    75 hexagon lighting recommendation?

    any thoughts and recommendations for a 75 gallon hexagon. if anyone has this tank, what is the best lighting to go with, i want good live rock growth, dont mind how much?
  2. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    what you recommend for a 75 gallon hexagon, any certain models?
  3. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    thank you for the offer but i am in jersey. what do you recommend for a 75 gallon tank? hexagon too so its high. brian.
  4. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    i do have reef lighting but not very high wattage. i would say i have about 80 watts or so, what do you think?
  5. bzolnowski

    live rock growth?

    i have put about 30 lbs of live rock in my 75 gallon tank about 2 months ago. i had some growth, then the fish cleaned it up. since then, i have not had much growth. what is the typical time frame to get some good stuff growing, any ideas?
  6. bzolnowski

    Skimmer causing bubbles!

    just let it run, i only collected a small amount, i havent collected anything else since. that is a good thing that it took that much out. i will await someone else to answer your timer question, i am curius of that myself.
  7. bzolnowski

    Skimmer causing bubbles!

    i actually had this same exact problem. everyone is right, just takes a few days. you can also adjust it some. overall, it should get better within time. mine was pumping out scary amounts of bubbles, three days later, they were almost gone.
  8. bzolnowski

    carbon filter bag

    yes, that is supposed to be numbers! thanks, brian.
  9. bzolnowski

    carbon filter bag

    i have a wet dry pump in which my lfs told me to put a carbon filter bag on top of my filter floss which is on top of the filter. does anyone find this to be beneficial with their numers?
  10. bzolnowski

    cant figure out why nitrite is spiking!

    once it catches up, i should be good overall though right? why would i have elevated nitrate after time? i only have ten fish, i know its a lot to have in the first six months but overall, that isnt that bad. what do you think? is there anything else besides wetdry, protein skimmer, live sand...
  11. bzolnowski

    cant figure out why nitrite is spiking!

    thank you very much reef nut. so frusterated when i think i have been done cycling and i still get high nitrite from time to time. hopefully it will figure itself out. i appreciate it. brian.
  12. bzolnowski

    cant figure out why nitrite is spiking!

    that is absolutely unbelievable. i am not saying not true, i am just amazed! i actually am going away in a few weeks for ten days and i am nervous on the best ways to make sure i dont have any loss for whatever reason while i am gone. thanks for the advise. i thought you would loss some after...
  13. bzolnowski

    cant figure out why nitrite is spiking!

    i will slow down on the feeding, its always so hard to tell what are good amounts! i try amd mix it up with different stuff to meaning flake, pellet, and frozen. i dont have a good q tank. i will slow down the feeding. i have a wet/dry, live sand, and lots of live rock. i just cant understand...
  14. bzolnowski

    cant figure out why nitrite is spiking!

    i have five damels, two clowns, a goby, a longnose butterfly, and a koran angel, ten small fish overall. if i am overloaded, will it ever catch up? should i stop doing so many water changes and let the nitrite convert to nitrate on its own? how can i not feed for a week, that sounds crazy!
  15. bzolnowski

    The ammonia won't go away

    i dont get it though. if the nitite gets real high, how can you not do a water change? is it best to let it spike or get it down with a water change and then let it go back up again???????
  16. bzolnowski

    cant figure out why nitrite is spiking!

    i have a 75 hex tank. it took me awhile to cycle the tank. last week i finally had good numbers and within about 6 days, they started to spike again. ever since, i just cant get the nitrite back down. i did two 5 gallon changes yesterday, made no difference. did 15 gallons today and still...
  17. bzolnowski

    filter pad replacement?

    personally i rather just replace it and throw the old one away. i have been told thought to keep half of the old one when putting in a new one due to the good bacteria. i personally feel that most if not all is in with the bioballs, i will wait to see what is said! thanks reefnut!
  18. bzolnowski

    filter pad replacement?

    some say wash it, does it matter if i just replace it?
  19. bzolnowski

    Orange Linka Starfish Help!

    patti, thanks so much for your email. it sounds as though yours is doing great. once i get to the point where i can put another in, it will be a lot of fun. thanks for the post. hopefully next time around, it will be much off. have a great day! brian.
  20. bzolnowski

    filter pad replacement?

    i have a wet dry in a 75 gallon tank. how often should i replace the filter pad? should i completely get rid of the old one or leave a portion of it for the bacteria or doesnt it matter? mine gets crappy quick so it seems like once a week i am replacing it, am i doing any harm? thanks, brian.