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  1. bzolnowski

    invertebrate ?

    thanks for the good ideas, i will check them out. brian.
  2. bzolnowski

    invertebrate ?

    i agree with that. one thing i left out though. i have a 75 gallon established tank already set up so i have a very good idea in what i am doing. the only thing is that i am new to a reef only tank. i have ordered the invertebrates. i will then add one fish only due to bioload issues, what else...
  3. bzolnowski

    porcuipine puffer

    i had the exact same problem, give him some time and he will end up being great in a few days, mine took about five days and he was a different fish. he will eat once he gets used to being in your tank. i thought mine was dying but he is doing awesome now.
  4. bzolnowski

    invertebrate ?

    thank you, would i also be good with one anemone to start? i plan to go very slow with adding new things.
  5. bzolnowski

    invertebrate ?

    i have just set up a 18 gallon reef nano tank. it is fully cycled with all my numbers where they should be. i am ready to add a clown. will i be ok to add invertebrates at the same time? i have lots of live sand and live rock with good past growth. is it too early to add some shrimp and crabs now?
  6. bzolnowski

    moon lights?

    thank you so much for getting back to me, i tried to email you but it stated that you dont wish to be contacted by email. mine is if you dont mind sending me over that website, i would love to buy that light set up. i think you could have anything in the tank once you...
  7. bzolnowski

    moon lights?

    thanks guys for your help. i have the same 18 gallon tan, the via aqua. do you know of anywhere to get another light top likes whats on there? you could modify the bottom and have two on top and be able to grow anything in there. what do you have in there now? any ideas on what to do and what...
  8. bzolnowski

    moon lights?

    any one have any thoughts on a moon light for a 75 gallon hex and a 18 gallon nano reef tank? good idea and what is the best bet for one????? thanks, brian.
  9. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    wow, glad i thought about that. not positive that is the case but i do know that i lost some of my cleanup crew due to fighting, etc. maybe breaking down the rock to catch the damsels and check for dead snails is my best choice at this point. thanks so much for all your help mike, i hope you...
  10. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    thank you mike, is it possible that maybe there are some dead snails or crab under the rock in which i cant see? the amon is very low, its the nitrite and nitrate numbers that are bad! just a thought. thanks for the explanation.
  11. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    good camera idea, i will do that this weekend, i will post pics by sunday, you will then see what i mean by the white stuff. brian.
  12. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    is excessive food decay the biggest culprit of nitrites? any other obvoious things to make sure i am not doing? brian.
  13. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    you are always good to me mike, i will get a sample and do that tomorrow. i dont see any black on my rock but i do see a lot of white. i need to get it identified. i am curious how much crap is under my rock. my two shrimp and various snails and crabs have been doing quite well keeping the...
  14. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    the nitrites are on the high end of the charts. the tank has been set up for about four months. trying to figure out why i cant get the numbers down after it was at zero and now it wont go back down.
  15. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    i would say time is better then water changes though, dont you think? if i do water changes, i am just extending the process even further. the fish seem like they are doing well. i have cut down the food a lot. i took your advise on that mike, that should help me out.
  16. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    i have added the cycle product but i dont think it has done a thing. what else could i try? any thoughts would be very much appreciated! brian.
  17. bzolnowski

    nitrite and nitrate ?????

    i have had an elevation of nitrite and nitrate in the past few weeks. i have cut down on the food. i think that might of been part of my problem. my question is, if i cut down the food to once every other day like many people do, will that force my nitites to turn into nitrates quicker? is it...
  18. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    thanks mike, what a pain! i am hoping not too. i will see what happens but i have to get two or three out, it can only help my cause. brian.
  19. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    thanks, hey mike, any great ideas on how to get a few damsels out? i have tried everything, i cant move my rock, anything else i will try though?????
  20. bzolnowski

    any thoughts?

    i would like to cut out some damsels, i cant catch the damn things! i will cut down the food as well. i guess in my head i think they need to eat twice a day which as you have mentioned is just not the case. i will not use treated tap anymore too. thanks mike!