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  1. olouieo

    Please Help With Hippo Tang

    Not to sound stupid but could I find Nitrofurazone in the med section of a fish store? I found Neomycin, but after searching and making phone calls I can not find Nitrofurazone. Thanks. Louie
  2. olouieo

    Please Help With Hippo Tang

    Just an update on my hippo tang. Well the cotton-like stuff is gone but now it looks like white skin pealing. The fish has been eating but it spends most of the time lying on its side inside a pvc fitting. Do you people have an idea what the pealing might be? Thank you for your time. Louis
  3. olouieo

    Please Help With Hippo Tang

    I am 99% sure its not ich. Ich looks more like salt, this looks more like cotton spots some bigger than others. Its only on the body not fins nor tail. He has been lying on its side all day. I have been soakin the food in Selcon, but it seems to be eating less than yesterday. I will try hypo...
  4. olouieo

    Please Help With Hippo Tang

    Well today he is less active and just lying on its side he ate a little. The white spots look like tiny pimples. Anyone?
  5. olouieo

    Please Help With Hippo Tang

    I got a 4" Hippo tang 5 days ago he has been in a Q-tank since he was fine until today he has white spots all over his body. Its not ich is more like some kind of fungus (snowflakes) as of today he is still eating. However he is breathing faster than normal. Well, after some reading I tried to...
  6. olouieo

    this is a test do not look. Thanks

    I know I always look also. what I was triying to do is post a picture but I couln't do it. I don't have a wed hosting site. So If anyone else looks could you tell me if is possible to post a picture? Thanks. Louie
  7. olouieo

    this is a test do not look. Thanks

    Did not work. oops
  8. olouieo

    this is a test do not look. Thanks

  9. olouieo

    Help with city water report

    I need someone to help me read my city water report. I want to get an idea how to read it, how bad it is?. If anyone can explain it to me in a 2nd grade level please. Thank you for your time. Louie
  10. olouieo

    help with lymphocystis

    Thanks jwtrojan44, I have been soaking the food with selcon. How long after I see no more white stuff on her should I wait to put her in the main tank?
  11. olouieo

    help with lymphocystis

    Hello everybody, Well I have a Coral Beauty in a QT tank for the last two weeks in the last week or so she had white stuff on her fins (lymphocystis) well after reading more on lympho I have been doing frequent water changes and it didnt seem to work well yesterday I did a 5 min fresh water...