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  1. numnums

    adding Southdown ?

  2. numnums

    adding Southdown ?

    Yes I have two clownfish, cleaner shrimp, snails, crabs, and a royal gramma.
  3. numnums

    adding Southdown ?

    My tank has been running for almost 5 months, added about 2-3 inches of live sand about two months ago. Everything is great with water. However I'm about to remove all my live rock to capture two damsels and was wondering if I would cause any problems by adding some Southdown on top of what's...
  4. numnums

    Glass Canopy

    trippclark, what kind of lights do you have in that canopy? Actinic, 50/50??? I started out with two actinic and two 50/50 but the color is too purple. I have since replaced one actinic with 50/50 but still get a little purple. Just wondering what you have... If you don't have the actinic...
  5. numnums

    Nashville Order

    I might be interested.
  6. numnums

    120 gal full setup, Fort Knox Ky, desparate!!!

    I would be interested in the solar 1000, bak pak, cup coral, polyps and brain.
  7. numnums

    False Perc Clown

    I think the true percs have a solid middle stripe and the false percs do not. The true percs can also be tank raised. This is my true perc.
  8. numnums

    what kind of drip setup do you have

    Could you give me a little more detail on how to do that? I no nothing about float switches. Thanks!
  9. numnums

    what kind of drip setup do you have

    So if you don't have a sump, I'm assuming you must elevate the water above the tank? Any other way to get the water up there?
  10. numnums

    Is this normal clown fish behavior?

    Upside down too? That'll be interesting to see.
  11. numnums

    Is this normal clown fish behavior?

    I was wondering if the name came from the goofy behavior :) This morning they still seem to be about the same but are currently in separate corners of the tank wiggling like crazy. I think they see their reflection and are trying to swim with the "other" clown. Pretty cute, I was just afraid...
  12. numnums

    Is this normal clown fish behavior?

    OK. Thanks for the help.
  13. numnums

    Is this normal clown fish behavior?

    If they are still appearing this upset tomorrow, do you think I should leave the lights off until they calm down or go ahead and let them come on like normal?
  14. numnums

    emerald crab behavior

    Curious to hear any opinions on your post... I bought two emerald crabs a few weeks ago. When I turned them loose, the both ran off into the rocks. Since then, I have only ever seen one at any given time. I think one disappeared but have no idea if the other one killed him or what.
  15. numnums

    Is this normal clown fish behavior?

    Really???? They came from in two separate bags so no, I don't assume they are a mated pair. They are also both close to the same size. They haven't been fighting. What do I do if they start?
  16. numnums

    Is this normal clown fish behavior?

    I just got two clownfish tonight and after I turned them loose they bounced (banging their heads against side and wiggling a lot) around together in one corner of the tank for about 4.5 hours. Finally they started to swim out a little but one still wiggles extremely fast. Respiration seems ok...
  17. numnums

    how much space for VHO lights

    Thomas, do you have 4 lights? They will hang approx. 5-6 inches from water.
  18. numnums

    how much space for VHO lights

    I just built my first canopy today and as we were getting done (before installing the lights) I realized that we had neglected to measure the full length of the VHOs and make sure they fit in our design. I know, stupid, but these things happen. Anyway, it fits, but just barely. I built a...
  19. numnums

    Ordering LR on Friday...

    When I ordered on a Thursday, they didn't ship it out until the following week. I agree... excellent service! And excellent LR.
  20. numnums

    My wife is catching on -- QUICKLY!

    I'm so glad to read this thread. I'm only two months into this hobby and I've already been amazed at the amount of time I can spend just sitting in front of the aquarium. And I don't even have much in there!!! I just find it amazing that the first thing I do when I get home is go sit in front...