Search results

  1. tarhull87

    Pre-Configured Nano Tanks

    Hi all, I have had 34, 75, and 180 gallon tanks and am looking to get a smaller nano for college life. I want to buy one of the pre-configured with hood and filtration tanks, but am not sure which ones are the best. I want to have a reef setup, mostly zoos, shrooms, and some GSPs or something...
  2. tarhull87

    aquascaping a 75g

    I want to simulate the look of dock pilings in the shallows on a tropical beach. Such as this, you can imagine wooden pilings, some kind of hollowed/rotted out, and white sand and blue water, that is what I want to have my tank look like. In it I will have some inverts and fish but that is all...
  3. tarhull87

    Cleaning Algae

    someone's gotta know
  4. tarhull87

    Cleaning Algae

    I'm setting my 75g back up and its got alot of dry coralline and algae all over the glass walls. It is difficult to scrape w/ a razor blade and I was wondering if there is any type of solution that eases the process. Thanks
  5. tarhull87

    Cleaning Algae

    I'm setting my 75g back up and its got alot of dry coralline and algae all over the glass walls. It is difficult to scrape w/ a razor blade and I was wondering if there is any type of solution that eases the process. Thanks
  6. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

  7. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    I noticed that they are very similar and considered that to be a problem, I think i'll go with the bicolor pseudo well i'm not gonna have a DSB, just a 1-2inch w/ a insump refugium or somethin like that. Will the rest of the fish in that combo work together? I know they won't mess with my...
  8. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    ok, so starfish are out of the question. Crabs and shrimp are all I will have as far as critters then. How about a group of camel shrimp, a group of cleaner shrimp, and a monkey shrimp? well i'm not gonna have a DSB, just a 1-2inch w/ a insump refugium or somethin like that. Will the rest of...
  9. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    I don't plan on keeping corals in this tank, just fish and inverts. My fish list as of now includes Royal Gramma Midas Blenny Banggai Cardinal Green Chromis School Oscellaris Clown Purple FIrefish Barred Dartfish Pearly Jawfish Bicolor Pseudo What can and cannot keep in a 75g. As many of those...
  10. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    Would a linkia starfish and a cleaner shrimp work in that group there? Also, what about horshoe crabs?
  11. tarhull87

    overflow - Squidd

    Squidd, I remember at one time seeing a thread about how you took the AGA Megaflow, cut off the overflow wall, and put in a completely standalone standpipe, or something like that. Do you think you could send me some pictures of it and tell me how you did it? thanks,
  12. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    so my goal is to have a tank full of a bunch of little critters crawling on the rocks and such, what are some inverts i could have a multiple number and variety of that would all go together?
  13. tarhull87

    Fish List

    I'm planning on setting up a 75g FOWLR and some invertebrates What do you all think about these fish and which ones won't work together? Royal Gramma Midas Blenny Banggai Cardinal Green Chromis (school of a few) Oscellaris Clownfish Purple FIrefish Goby Barred Dartfish Pearly Jawfish Bicolor...
  14. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    What can you all tell me about Purple Lobsters? Also, how do starfish do with each other?
  15. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    Can those things all live together? along with an arrow crab?
  16. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    It is going to be a 75 gallon tank so i figure i can have a pretty decent amount of inverts. I'd like to have an arrow crab for one.
  17. tarhull87

    Coolest Inverts

    I'm thnkin about setting up a tank containing a nice school of chromis or something like that and a bunch of crabs/shrimp/etc. I'm going for alot of vibrant color in this tank, without coral, so I was wondering if you all could help me out and give me tips on what some of the most...
  18. tarhull87

    Attn Squidd

    Squidd, I remember at one time seeing a thread about how you took the AGA Megaflow, cut off the overflow wall, and put in a completely standalone standpipe, or something like that. Do you think you could send me some pictures of it and tell me how you did it? thanks,
  19. tarhull87

    Little Giant Pumps and others FS (in VA)

    No sorry, all items have been sold, thank you!
  20. tarhull87

    Little Giant Pumps and others FS (in VA)

    Also for sale is a Used-One time Calcium Test Kit made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. $5 shipped.