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  1. evaredee

    Brittle Stars

    If you have the green aggressive can basically hand feed them and grab them once they come out of the rocks. If you do have this kind of brittle star...yes...they ate your fish.
  2. evaredee

    Yellow Hogfish

    I just want to know what would be a good additiion with my Yellow Fiji Hogfish. I have a 55 gal reef. Any suggestions?
  3. evaredee

    29g people

    I have two four foot VHOs with an Icecap ballast on a 55 gallon. I don't keep SPS corals with the exception of an easy to grow yellow ridge coral that has grown out of control.
  4. evaredee

    Fish compatiblity

    I have a 55gal reef. I want to add some nice fish to it and all I have in there now is one fiji yellow hogfish. Any suggestions? I heard that I should add at least two or three fish at a time. What do you think of that?
  5. evaredee

    Fish to add?

  6. evaredee

    Skimmerless Experiment Weekly Update

    Your bubble coral will come back if you follow these instructions. Place the Bubble in the sand and stand it stright up with polyps facing the light. Try to put the base into the sand maybe an inch deep. My bubble was dying a few years ago. I was very attached to it since it was the first...
  7. evaredee

    How am I doing?

    Yea, it sounds like you are over your limit but you can really help with the bioload by adding more live rock to your tank.
  8. evaredee

    Fish to add?

    I have a 55 gallon reef tank with about 75 pounds of live rock and over 15 corals of various makeup. Specs are great. No Stony corals because I use VHOs. All of the corals are doing great. I have had this set up for about 5 years. I have six brittle stars, an emerald crab, a few blue and...
  9. evaredee

    Brittle stars

    Brittle stars are extremely hardy. They can be exposed to air and never miss a beat. If you are going to be keeping fish in the tank with them, I suggest that you steer clear of the Green Serpent Stars. They will eventually kill every fish in your tank. They are predators to the fullest...
  10. evaredee


    From my experience, my frogspawn likes subtle water flow. Not stagnant but also not forceful current along with high light. My frogspawn has flourished in the middle of my 55 gal tank. So don't put it on the bottom but I wouldn't put it close to the surface either.
  11. evaredee

    At what level of salinity...

    Thanks for the replies. I don't know what happened. They just vanished. I had a very small chevron tang, a neon pseudo and an algae blenny. I found the blenny as he was being consumed by my 6 brittle stars. None of the Brittles ate the fish. I have had them for years and none are like the...
  12. evaredee

    At what level of salinity...

    will fish die. I had a salinity level of .026 and I think that killed my fish in my reef. I know it was my fault but could that have been the problem. Corals did fine.
  13. evaredee

    What fish is this?

    That is probably a princess parrotfish. Do not keep this fish in a reef tank or with aggressive fish. By the way, when grown to about 6 inches, it can take your finger off with its beak.
  14. evaredee

    What are the basic chemical additives?

    so strontium, molyb####? and magnesium aren't important?
  15. evaredee

    What are the basic chemical additives?

    Other than buffering for Ph, and adding Iodine and calcium...What are the main chemicals necessary for a healthy reef. I recently heard that you get everything you need from water changes but I don't buy that. Give me 4 most important chemicals that corals can't survive without.
  16. evaredee

    Aiptasia question

    Get three peppermint shrimp. Wait two weeks. No more aips.
  17. evaredee

    Tooth coral starving?

    I tried to feed it but it seems to weak to eat anything.
  18. evaredee

    Tooth coral starving?

    My coral has its middle hole opened and seems to be starving. Help.
  19. evaredee

    Population question!!!!!!

    Well neither those things are happening soon so...any suggestions that I can really use would be better served. In the future, I plan on having a 300 gal tank but that is about 5 years from now.
  20. evaredee

    Population question!!!!!!

    My angels get along fine. My Imperator is at the top of the hill and everyone falls in line. I heard that the rule is either you have one angel or three. Two angels will fight and since I am having success with my angels I think the rule is true. I placed my most shy angel in the tank first...