

Yesterday I bought an octopus coral, LFS said it wasn't a true frogspawn but was very close to the same. My question is what is your findings dealing with these corals? placement? lighting? feeding? Under 440watts vho.


The one I bought looks just like a frogspawn thats why I'm asking. Bang I thought if anyone would know something it would be you. I'll see if I can post a pic. later.


Its not very often refered to as an Octopus Coral.
Frogspawn, - Euphyllia divisa
Also known as: Honey Coral Wall, Frogspawn Coral, Grape Coral, Octopus Coral
Sounds like what most of us know of as a Frogspawn.
And you can Bangk on it


Right on!!!!! I'm glad to see I'm not crazy, had no idea that one coral could have so many different common names. THANX Mike


New Member
From my experience, my frogspawn likes subtle water flow. Not stagnant but also not forceful current along with high light. My frogspawn has flourished in the middle of my 55 gal tank. So don't put it on the bottom but I wouldn't put it close to the surface either.


I have mine placed half way up the tank under 660 watts of VHO. I bought it with four heads and now it has 8. I have it in moderate flow.
I used to have it in my 55 under 440 watts of vho. Same placement.
I do nothing more than regular water changes, dose calcium and alk supplements and dose DT's a couple times a week. I do not direct feed mine and it does fine.


Active Member
I was at a LFS a couple of months ago, they had a very nice frogspawn in their display, I asked if they ever fragged it and he said sure, I got frag with three heads, a couple of months later each head has three heads, so it has grown a ton. Mine has medium flow, under 250w MH and actinics, I don't spot feed.