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  1. jsb

    Is this a good deal?

    I think I found a good deal on some used MHs. They have a magnetic ballast, and I've heard Electric is better. Can some one validate this? What are the cons with Magnetic?
  2. jsb

    Anyone know any tips or secrets

    I'm new to sumps, but I think you want to avoid bio balls if possible. I've also read that this is probably the best method of building a sump. Intake/Skimmer >> Return << Refugium Here's a pic of what I'm trying to build.
  3. jsb

    Where can I find some solid reading on lighting?

    Good info. Thanks! I often hear people say you can get bulbs much cheaper than advertised. Is this a myth? One of those turned out to be 6500 MHs bulbs for like $59, but I'd have to run antics with those wouldn't I? Your advising me to use the 10000 or 20000 lights to avoid having to run...
  4. jsb

    Where can I find some solid reading on lighting?

    I'm trying to come up with which lighting I want to go with on my new tank. Everyone I talk to has a different answer to the life span of a bulb. I'm trying to be wise with my spending, and I want a setup that isn't going to cost a small fortune. I run PCs now on my current tank, and I...
  5. jsb

    Why can't I keep a clown alive?

    Good questions...I always try to give as much as I can think of, but there is always something I leave out. All have been tank raised clowns. I don't have a BTA...still affraid to try. I do have a couple of GSPs that he was checking out. What I've always done is place the bag in the tank for...
  6. jsb

    Why can't I keep a clown alive?

    I've had my tank up for over two years, and my first clown lived the longest. I can't remember how long it was but it was close to 6 months. Since then, I've tried again, and again, and they die with in a week or two. I don't understand. My Cardinal is close to two years old, and my Flame is...
  7. jsb

    How do you explain my GHA issue

    Being a newbie at the time yes, but that was over two years ago. I've been using RO or RO/DI for quite a while now.
  8. jsb

    How do you explain my GHA issue

    Sorry, I was in a meeting. GHA= Green Hair Algae. Again, sorry, I saw this some where and started using it just recently. Possily in the reading I was doing. The LFS said they looked fine. When I said what is fine they said. It definitely below 10 ppm. That's the best these test kits show...
  9. jsb

    Invert questions?

    I stay away from the blue hermits. I've heard they tend to do that more than the red hermits. I've never seen my reds do that. BUT I've always kept enough shells in the tank as well, so who knows.
  10. jsb

    How do you explain my GHA issue

    I've been fighting a GHA issue, and I think I'm on the right track, but I just don't understand how it came about. Maybe some one can explain something I'm not seeing. My test kits never showed signs of high nitrates. I don't have a Phosphate kit, so I was thinking that my issue may be...
  11. jsb

    How regulary do you clean?

    What methods do you recommend for cleaning out say a AquaC skimmer. They chambers are hard to get to with a brush. Power washer or something? Soaking it? Thanks!
  12. jsb

    How to clean a skimmer

    I've been fighting a hair algea issue lately, and after reading another thread it's probably from the grocery store bought RO water, but anyway. I have my own RO/Di unit now, and I've been using it for a a few months. I've done a bunch of research on how to remove it, and I'm just about done...
  13. jsb

    What the heck is this?????

    So I'm assuming I should leave it alone? It's a nice hitchhiker? I've got a couple of other greenish milky sponges as well. Is it recommend to remove these or let them be? Thanks BTW. I was getting a little freaked out.
  14. jsb

    What the heck is this?????

    After taking a closer look I have little spots of what looks like pink jelly under this piece of rock as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeremy
  15. jsb

    What the heck is this?????

    I'm cleaning some LR due to a hair algea issue I'm trying to clear up. When I pull this piece this is what I faound underneath it. Any clue? Should I leave it? I'm thinking scrape this thing off.
  16. jsb


    Could I add a question... How do you keep a QT up and going with out keeping fish in it. I set one up due to a sick fish, but it just sat afterwards, and the water levels were horrible. Thanks.
  17. jsb

    Ideas on Removing Bubble Alge

    I've got a piece with a couple of bubbles on it. I was going to take it out, and remove it. A while back I tried to pull (the original one bubble) off while in the tank. It popped, and I now have three or four bubbles, and they came back quick. What's interesting, is on the other side of...
  18. jsb

    Hawaiin Puffer safe?

    I'd like to add that I went with the same puffer, and found out that he liked to nip at anything smaller that him. He even nipped at the back of my Cardinal, and they were the same size. I think with that puffer it's a coin toss. I've heard people have zero problems, and other like me that...
  19. jsb

    Where can I go to identify...

    I found a picture of what I think it is. They call it Derbesia sporophyte Okay, I have read about this type of Algae, and apparently I don't have this although it looks like. It states that snails, and such will eat it. WRONG!!!
  20. jsb

    Where can I go to identify...

    I done some quick research, and I think it might be Derbesia instead. I can't find any good pictures of it, but by the comments i'm reading about it, it sounds like the monster I have.